A couple of weeks ago we went to the doctors and found out that Gia is pregnant! Yesterday we went again and heard the heartbeat, which was awesome, and found out that the due date is May 23rd.
We are so excited for this next stage of life for the both of us! We cannot wait to be parents of our own child! Please pray for Gia because she's been sick and pray for strength and a healthy baby.
We will be keeping everyone posted via the blog on what's going on. Please if you have questions or anything don't be afraid to ask in person :-).
October to November Daily Reading Plan
10/18/2008 Luke 5-6 Jesus I know you are calling me so I answer that call.
10/19/2008 Luke 7-8 God help me to shine for all to see. Bring people my way who need you.
10/20/2008 Luke 9 I choose to deny my self, pick up my cross and follow you. Help me!
10/21/2008 Luke 10 Worship and prayer night 7pm. I will go to people like the Samaritan, so I can help them.
10/22/2008 Luke 11-12 Jesus give me a fear of God. Not being afraid, but reverence and awe of you.
10/23/2008 Luke 13-14 Pray for church. Jesus help me to pay the price of following you with everything in me.
10/24/2008 Luke 15-16 God I will give up all to seek you and follow you.
10/25/2008 Luke 17-18 God increase my faith!
10/26/2008 Luke 19-20 God protect me from anything that would pollute my faith. Help me to stand strong.
10/27/2008 Luke 21 Jesus help me to watch and wait for you before I act.
10/28/2008 Luke 22 Pray for church tonight. Father I want to be great, so make me a servant of all.
10/29/2008 Luke 23-24 Jesus continue to reveal yourself to me in everything I do.
10/30/2008 John 1-2 Thank you that I overcome the darkness, Give me the strength to stand.
11/1/2008 John 3-4 Help me to decrease that you might increase along with my effectiveness.
11/2/2008 John 5-6 Jesus no matter what I will not turn away. Help me to be strong.
11/3/2008 John 7-9 God fill me with truth that it would make me free from anything holding me back.
11/4/2008 John 10-12 Jesus help me to know and hear your voice.
11/5/2008 John 13-15 Pray for church tonight. Help me to follow your commandments and your Word.
11/6/2008 John 16-17 Pray for Reach Teams. Turn any sorrow I have into joy!
11/7/2008 John 18-21 Jesus let everything in my life that doesn’t please you be finished.
11/8/2008 Acts 1-3 Jesus bring revival to our city and let people be added to our church everyday.
11/9/2008 Acts 4-6 Pray for revival in our city. We are taking our city. Pray for God’s power in our lives.
11/10/2008 Acts 7-10 Pray God would give you and everyone around you an encounter that changes lives.
11/11/2008 Acts 11-14 God bring a revival to our city that changes our city forever and use me in all of it.
11/12/2008 Acts 15-18 Pray for church. Let me be someone who turns the world upside down. Give us our city!
11/13/2008 Acts 19-21 Pray for Reach Teams. Give me the strength to talk about you to every person.
11/14/2008 Acts 22-23 Pray for your one person you are going to get saved and to a Reach team.
11/15/2008 Acts 24-26 Pray for your one. God you’ve given us this city now open the doors we need open.
11/16/2008 Acts 27-28 Pray for your one. God draw my friends and others to you. Open their hearts to you.
11/17/2008 Romans 1-3 Jesus I will not be ashamed of my faith, but I will live it and not hide it.
The power of prayer pt 2
I remember going to work that day, broken and unsure of what would happen in our nation. Tragedy had struck a mighty blow, but our nation would respond with characteristics that make this the greatest nation in all of history. We began to pray. I remember prayer meeting after prayer meeting as the church and those not of the body of Christ, began to call on God for healing, hope and wisdom for our leaders. We prayed for families we've never seen as they grieved with the tragedy of loved ones. Stories of Heroism by men and women who gave their lives at ground zero and in the air, flooded our eyes with tears and a passion to pray and continue on.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (New Living Translation)
14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their landWe are facing a tragedy that requires no less of our time and no less of our prayers. This time no one will die and there will be no heroics. We probably wont shed a tear or be filled with passion and patriotism, but this is no less an important moment for the church to shine. This time instead of losing life, people could lose, houses, jobs, retirements and investments. Instead of going without fathers and mothers, children may have to go without food.
The tragedy we face is financial and it's time for the church to arise! 2 Chronicles is clear. If we, the church who are called, humble themselves and pray then God will restore our land. Our land needs restoration financially, morally and politically and it's time for us to humble ourselves and pray!
It would be so easy to bury our heads in the sand of entertainment, soccer practice, routine, work and everything else, but we need to look around and be aware of what's going on and do our part. The church has the key to changing this situation and it's through prayer.
From now until election day, go to prayer at 6am, noon, 6pm. If you cant make those times read this post for ideas on how you can participate in prayer.
It's time to arise and shine. It's time to pray. It's time to be an anchor of hope, love and faith for those without it. Our prayers are powerful and they will bring healing and restoration to our land.
The power of prayer pt 1
In the 1860s over a million people were added to the church. United prayer seemed to be the spark. This is what happened in Hull:
"There were united daily prayer meetings in the port city of Kingston upon Hull, supported by the established church and the dissenting denominations. Numbers of people were unable to gain an entrance to the central meetings, and so, many places of worship were opened each evening for prayer. A monthly united prayer meeting attracted more than 3000. As usual a rising tide of evangelism followed, and campaigns were still crowding halls in 1865 to excess, necessitating the hiring of the circus, at which ministers of different denominations preached. Other very successful campaigns were carried on throughout the year 1865."
Wales 1904
The Welsh Revival started in 1904. It began as a movement of prayer. A key figure was a former coal miner, Evan Roberts, who was studying at Newcastle Emlyn College. He attended a campaign held by Seth Joshua, a Presbyterian evangelist, who prayed at the meeting, ‘O God, bend us.’ Roberts had responded with ‘O God, bend me.’ Following this he kept hearing a voice that told him to go home and speak to the young people in his home church. On his return to Loughor, his home town, his reluctant pastor allowed him to speak only at the end of a prayer meeting.
Roberts told them, ‘I have a message for you from God:
The response to his message was remarkable and following a series of meetings a break occurred and the movement spread rapidly over Wales: in five months a hundred thousand people were converted throughout the country. The revival had a widespread social impact.You must confess any known sin to God and put right any wrong done to others.
Second, you must put away any doubtful habit.
Third, you must obey the Spirit promptly.
Finally, you must confess your faith in Christ publicly.’
Edinburgh 1905
Soon after the beginning of the Welsh Revival in 1904, a man called Joseph Kemp from Edinburgh went to Wales, where he spent a couple of weeks observing and experiencing the work and power of the Holy Spirit there. On his return he attended a large meeting in Charlotte Chapel. As he recounted his experiences there was an eager response to his story. A man asked for prayer and was the first of hundreds who became Christians during the subsequent revival in Charlotte Chapel. For a whole year prayer meetings were held, increasing in number and intensity, and characterised by passionate praying.
New York 1857-1860
In September 1857, a man of prayer, Jeremiah Lanphier, started a businessmen’s prayer meeting in the upper room of the Dutch Reformed Church Consistory Building in Manhattan. In response to his advertisement, only six people out of a population of a million showed up. But the following week there were fourteen, and then twenty-three when it was decided to meet everyday for prayer. By late winter they were filling the Dutch Reformed Church, then the Methodist Church on John Street, then Trinity Episcopal Church on Broadway at Wall Street. In February and March of 1858, every church and public hall in down town New York was filled. Horace Greeley, the famous editor, sent a reporter with horse and buggy racing round the prayer meetings to see how many men were praying. In one hour he could get to only twelve meetings, but he counted 6,100 men attending.
Then a landslide of prayer began, which overflowed to the churches in the evenings. People began to be converted, ten thousand a week in New York City alone. The movement spread throughout New England, the church bells bringing people to prayer at eight in the morning, twelve noon, and six in the evening. The revival raced up the Hudson and down the Mohawk, where the Baptists, for example, had so many people to baptize that they went down to the river, cut a big hole in the ice, and baptized them in the cold water. When Baptists do that they are really on fire!Here are four major moves of God and they all had one thing in common... prayer. Now is not the time for us to shrink back as the body of Christ. It's time for us to rise up! We are facing one of the worst financial disaster our nation has ever seen. We're also facing the most important presidential election in our lifetime, as well as, we are still engaged in a war for freedom. It's time to pray. It's time to call on God to move like He did in the above "revivals."
We cannot afford to live life like normal in this time. Everything people have put their trust in, economy, job, government, homes, 401k's, investments, are crumbling and now is the time for us to show them who to truly trust and that is Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today and forever and he is well able to take care of us in any situation.
It's time to pray church! Let the church arise! It's going to take sacrifice on your part, but your sacrifice may be the very thing that brings thousands to salvation. It may be the very thing that heals our land (see 2 Chronicles 7:14). I personally am fasting lunches from now until November 4th to spend my 30 minute lunch praying. Here's some ideas of what you can do:
- Students - find a classroom and pray with other students during lunch.
- Families - Instead of family dinner or TV at the 6pm hour for less than a month. Bring the whole family to the church and pray. What better example could you show your children than to humble yourself and pray for others?
- Individuals - Find a time 6am, noon, 6pm to pray. If one of those times don't work, fast lunches, get up early, pray the whole way home. Don't miss out.
- Families - If you cant make it down, dedicate a room of the house until November as a prayer room. At one of those times, come together and pray.
Everybody needs a Nome...
Well everybody needs a Nome. Have you ever traveled somewhere you have never been before? Have you been somewhere where you didn't know the language, customs, places to go, places not to go? When traveling to a place you've never been it is always beneficial if not imperative to have a guide. Travelocity offers the roaming gnome to be your guide and the bible offers us the picture of a relationship between two women in the book of Ruth to be our guide.
In Ruth chapter one we see Ruth and Naomi. Naomi is Ruth's mother-in-law and both their husbands have died. Naomi informs Ruth that she will be returning to Judah from Moab and that Ruth should remain in Moab with her family. Ruth insists on going and they argue about it for a little while until Ruth says this: 16 But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."
Ruth wanted to go on this journey with Naomi and knew that Naomi could be her guide. Every body needs a Nome. We have a youth leader named Naomi and her nick name is Nome. That's why this blog is titled everybody needs a Nome. Every one needs a Naomi.
The moment we choose Christ we embark on a spiritual journey. The journey of faith and we need someone who has been down the road before to show us the way. They can interpret the language, show us where to go and where not to go, be that person we call when we need prayer or just to talk. They are the person who's house we can go over to, to have fun or get away from it all. Everybody needs a Nome, a Naomi. Someone we can follow, someone who can encourage us, correct us, love us and believe in us. Every body needs a Nome.
Who's your Nome? If you don't have one, one place you can look is at a Reach Team. Whether you are an adult or student Reach Teams offer the environment for people to find a Nome. You need one, so don't wait for them to find you, go find them like Ruth did. Get yourself a Nome today!
For more information on Reach Teams click here.