I don't have time for this kind of attitude in my life. There are too many people who need the message I carry, the wisdom I've found and the faith that's within me for me to not care and yet it is so easy to slip into a place of indifference. It's easy to focus on myself and not really care about what's happening in other people. I don't have time for this, so to keep me passionate, interested and concerned I do the following:
- Choose - I made a decision along time ago that I would rule my emotions and attitudes, they would not rule me, so I make a choice to be passionate and care even when I don't feel like it. I've established I don't have time for indifference, so even though I may "feel" that way I choose a different route. Every time my feelings line up with my choice eventually. QUESTION: When was the last time you made a choice to care?
- Test - I constantly test and evaluate myself in this area. I'll read a story that should fire me up and evaluate my reaction to it. When I hear something that would normally stir me to action I evaluate my reaction and again make the right choice. QUESTION: Are you stirred to action by what you hear in areas that should fire you up?
- Listen - There is a difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is what we do to receive information. Listening is what we do receive concern people. When we listen we hear peoples heart and begin to really care about their situations. I don't have concern information, I have concern for people. That's why I stop my mind, phone, eyes, and thoughts so I don't hear, but I listen. QUESTION: When was the last time you really stopped and listened?
- Serve - The greatest way to squash indifference I've found is to take action. Every time I don't feel concern, I stop, examine a need that will bring concern, and I meet that need. When I don't feel like it the most is when I serve the hardest. Something happens when you metaphorically pick up a towel and wash someone's feet. You can't do that without caring. Serving when done out a heart to care will produce concern and kill indifference. QUESTION: Who was the last person you served?