
The Fast Reading Plan and Prayer Points

Grid 29:11 Reading Plan
Week 4 with Fasting

Sunday, Jan 25th–Genesis - 12-15

Monday, Jan 26th–Joshua 16-20
1st day of fast – Pray for God to work in you what you are fasting.

Tuesday, Jan 27th - Psalms 9-11
2nd day – Pray for a spiritual awakening in our youth ministry

Wednesday, Jan 28th - Job 7-8
3rd day – Pray for strength and wisdom for your pastors, parents, politicians, friends and you.

Thursday, Jan 29th-Isaiah 18-22
4th day – Pray for breakthrough in your life, family, friends and ministry

Friday, Jan 30th - Matthew 8-10
5th day – Pray for salvation and discipleship like never before.

Saturday, Jan 31st-Romans 7-8
6th day – Pray for it to be finished in your life. Pray for God to move in our city and church.


The Fast

This past Sunday in GRID 29:11 we discussed the building block in our foundation of faith of fasting. Here is a snap shot of the message:

  • Fasting is denying yourself something that you desire in order to align yourself with God, spend more time in prayer and the word and to overcome things in your life.
  • We all have weaknesses, sin, ways of thinking, or brokenness in our life. Some of these things only come out with prayer and fasting.
  • Read Isaiah 58:6-12 - This is what fasting is all about.
Beginning Monday January 26 to February 1st the youth ministry a.k.a. GRID 29:11 is going to fast. Here is what I am asking you to do:
  1. Pick one thing in your life you want to overcome, this is what you will be fasting for.
  2. Pick one thing you will fast. As I said on Sunday I don't want any body fasting food all six days. You can fast texting, Twitter, Internet, TV, Music, One day no food, next day eat, next day no food, etc... You can fast meat and only eat veggies. You can fast one meal a day. Pick something that will be difficult and challenging yet does not make life impossible.
  3. ASK YOUR PARENTS. Go to mom and/or dad let them know you want to fast and what you want to fast and make sure they are okay with it.
  4. Sunday the 25th pick up the reading plan with prayer points and participate!
  5. Believe God to free you from the one thing and believe for God to move this year powerfully in GRID 29:11.

Today's Inauguration - My thoughts and prayer

When I woke up this morning I had an overwhelming sense to pray for our nation. Today marks a historic day that regardless of your political affiliation you cannot help but be proud of this moment. I am incredibly excited for the healing that will take place that the scars of decades of racial divide have left on our nation. As I watch the festivities and listened to the speech of our new President here are my thoughts.
  • A day after we celebrated the life of a visionary and incredible man Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., his dream has come true.
  • What a moment in time for all races, colors and creeds! Our forefathers said all men were created equal and today that has come true. Regardless of the color of your skin you can achieve greatness in the greatest nation in the history of our earth.
  • As stated multiple times by the media the peaceful transfer of power between presidents with differing views is a testament to the freedom of democracy that we enjoy.
  • While I may not agree with every decision and stance our new President may make or take, I will honor him and pray for him.
Here is my prayer for President Barack Obama, his family and our nation:

Father, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to live in this great nation. A nation that you have ordained and set up to be a beacon of hope and freedom and one that is called to take Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. I thank you for our new President that you have ordained and set up to lead our nation. My prayer for him is that you would draw him to you. That you Holy Spirit would draw him to your presence to seek you in leading this nation. I pray his heart would be turned to you and that he would seek your wisdom and approval and not the opinion and approval of man. I ask that you would protect him from any and all evil. I recognize there are people who would inflict harm physically, emotionally and spiritually and I ask that you expose them and protect our president and his family. I ask that you give him the grace to lead us down the path you have made for us to walk. Grant him success in our economy. Help him to protect us. Always keep his heart turned toward the orphan, the widow and the poor. Now I ask for unity in our nation. Unity to grow and accomplish your will. I ask that the tears on many faces today would wash away the scars of a terrible past of division. Thank you that in you there is neither Jew or Greek, black, white, brown, red, yellow, male or female, but all are equal in you and created by you. Thank you for our nation cause it to prosper, cause it to heal and cause to be drawn again to your son Jesus, in his mighty name I pray... Amen.

Take a moment today and every day to pray for our President, our elected official, pastors, teachers, and anyone else in authority. This is a pivotal time in our nation and we need to continue to pray!

Reading Plan week 3


Grid 29:11 Reading Plan
Week 3

Sunday, Jan 18th – Genesis - 8-11

Monday, Jan 19th – Joshua 11-15

Tuesday, Jan 20th - Psalms 6-8

Wednesday, Jan 21st - Job 5-6

Thursday, Jan 22nd - Isaiah 12-17

Friday, Jan 23rd - Matthew 5-7

Saturday, Jan 24th - Romans 5-6

Each day pray that God reveals himself to you in each scripture before you begin. Also spend 10-15 minutes in prayer either before or after.


Grid 29:11 Reading Plan Week 2

  • Sunday, Jan 11th – Genesis - 4-7
  • Monday, Jan 12th - Joshua 6-10
  • Tuesday, Jan 13th - Psalms 3-5
  • Wednesday, Jan 14th - Job 3-4
  • Thursday, Jan 15th - Isaiah 7-11
  • Friday, Jan 16th - Matthew 3-4
  • Saturday, Jan 17th - Romans 3-4

Each day pray that God reveals himself to you in each scripture before you begin. Also spend 10-15 minutes in prayer either before or after.