
U2's Top 10 list on Letterman

Here's a pretty funny video to check out...


9 Things I don't have time for... Those unwilling to change

One of my favorite things to do in this life is help people. I love it when God uses me to bring a piece of wisdom that changes someones life. In fact I'd drop almost anything to help someone that wants to change. If they have the desire I will do whatever is necessary to see them change and overcome.

The one thing I don't have time for is those that are unwilling to change. Every once and awhile someone will cross my path that knows all the right words to say, the emotions to show and is really only playing a game. They don't want to change, they just want to take up my time and I don't have time for it.

I love these people, pray for them and want to help them, but I don't have time for them because there are tons of others who want to change and could use my help. When I'm with someone who doesn't want change it steals from someone who does.

Make sure you are helping those who want to change. Love and pray for the ones who don't want change, but don't spend a lot of time with them. Go to those who really want change and connect them to Life.

How to tell if someone wants change:
  • They ask for it - People who come to you and ask for help to change are serious, as long as the demonstrate the other points. Someone may say, "I need to talk to you," or "Will you please talk to so and so." This may or may not mean they want change. In the first few minutes of the conversation ask them simply, would you like to change? If it's a yes, move forward, if it's a no, end the conversation politely and pray for that person.
  • They mention it - They may come to you and ask to talk, but someone who wants change will mention what they are going through and how they want to change. They will say things like. "I'm so tired of..., I can't stand it any more...," They will make statements that imply a desire to change. It's in their conversation, they mention it.
  • They demonstrate it - People who want to change show a willingness to do so by demonstrating change in their life. This doesn't mean they will be perfect, but they make an effort to change. It is demonstrated by their actions.
  • They pay for it - And I don't mean financially. When it gets really tough, they keep on pushing. When they feel like they can't make it they pay the price to continue. They give up things and they make decisions that cost them. Hard decisions that bring real change. People who want change pay the price of quality decisions to get change.


What you need to know about Texting...

Texting is a totally different language with rules that break down the grammatical standards our teachers tried so hard to uphold. It’s because of this that I want to give you some common words and meanings and the proper texting etiquette.

T9 or not T9 that is the question?
Have you ever wondered how someone was able to text you back so quickly when it takes you forever to send out a simple: “how are you?” Well they either have a full QWERTY Keyboard (like a computer keyboard) or they are using T9. T9 is recognition software that most phones have that allows you to text faster. If you are not using it ask someone who is text savvy to set it up for you and show you the ropes. It will change your texting life!

Common Text Vernacular:

• LOL – laugh out loud
• U – you
• R – are
• Ur – Your
• Bout – about
• Gonna – going to
• Doin – doing
• Wats – what’s
• L8 – late used to say good-bye.
• TTYL – talk to you later
• Luv – love
• Ya – you
• Y? – Why
• 2 – to
• nm – not much
• Nbd – no big deal
• Np – no problem
• :-) , :-(, ;-) – smile, frown, wink
• K – ok
• Yup, ya – yes
• Kewl – cool
• B – be
• Sry – Sorry
• Sorta – sort of
• Kno – know
• 4 – for
• coupla – couple of
• ova – over
• BRB – be right back
• CUL – see you later
• C – see
• I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Text etiquette or Textiquette

While there is no uniform code of ethics and etiquette for texting as someone who text’s so much I may need to wear a wrist brace for tendinitis I have come up with some personal guidelines to follow.

Beginning a textversation

Before you text figure out the purpose for the textversation. Are you asking a question, just chatting, do you need prayer? This will determine your approach.

When you want to text someone there are different protocols to follow. Use the same salutations that you would use in your verbal conversation. If you are close to someone you don’t always have to ask how he or she are doing. While it is polite it is not necessary, you can jump right to the point.

If it’s someone you are not very close to you should ask how they are doing, textversate for awhile they ask your question or chit chat.

If it’s the first time you are texting this person you should let them know who it is and proceed from there.


When you receive a text depending on the content they should be replied to as soon as possible. Now there are days where I do not return non-time sensitive texts for several hours because of my current situation, but they should be replied to.

If it’s time sensitive then the text should be replied to be for the time expires.

As soon as you reply you are saying I am available to engage in a textversation, so be ready to text back and forth until the conversation is over. Just like on the phone you don’t answer a question and then no respond to follow up questions or chitchat.

Keep reply’s brief using shorthand to communicate quickly.

Ending the Textversation

Always end the textversation with closure. A thank you if they answered your question and a goodbye, ttyl, cul, l8, luv ya or something that is appropriate lets you and the other party know this conversation is officially over and neither should expect a reply.

Plz add ur comments on what u kno bout texting. If you'd say idk n e thing bout texting let me know if this waz helpful.


9 Things I don't have time for... Prejudice

I checked out what the official definition of prejudice is and here is what Dictionary.com had to say for it:
  • An unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.
  • Any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.
  • Unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, esp. of a hostile nature, regarding a racial, religious, or national group.
When we think about prejudice we often think about bullet point number three. Obviously I don't have time for that stuff. That is detrimental to human society as a whole and in Christ (Gal 3:28) there is neither Jew nor Greek (racial and national prejudice), nor male or female (Gender prejudice).

I'm talking about a more sutle and often accepted form of prejudice. The kind of prejudice where we look at someone and by what we see we have a preconceived opinion about them either positive or negative.

For instance, someone walks into the church dressed in the best clothes money could buy and instantly we think, "wow, they've got it together. I want to meet them." Or someone walks in and they appear to be wearing clothes that have never been washed and we think, "Oh God, please don't let them sit by me."

Prejudice. Deciding who we will reach out to, sit by, talk with without know at all the content of that persons character and heart, or the situation they find themselves in. Prejudice can drive people out of the church faster than anything else.

I don't have time for it. Every person who walks across our path can benefit from the love that is within us. I don't have time for it so apply the following in my interaction with people.
  1. Look - I don't look at someone and see Armani or Value Village. When I look at other people I see a person who is loved by, made by and paid for the same God who loved me, made me and paid for me through his death. Even though we are preprogrammed to judge by appearance fight it and look the way God looks. QUESTIONS: How do you look at people? Do you formulate and opinion and move forward or do you recognize the value in each person God has made?
  2. Love - Love does not see with natural eyes, but rather the eyes of a God who died for us. Love fights the natural urges to judge by appearance, hygiene and attitude. Love pushes past it all, breaks down the walls and cares about others. Love conquers prejudice. QUESTIONS: Who do you love? Do you love the person standing on the side of the road asking for a hand out like God loves you? Would you be willing to lay down your life for them?
  3. Listen - In listening you may find you have more or less in common with that person you had a preconceived opinion about. You may be the answer that person has been looking for. You may have the tools and skills they need for success. You may be the one who brings freedom to their life. Listen to them. They may be more broken or whole than they appear.
Prejudice - Unfair and unsubstantiated opinions about someone based on something external. I'm interested on what's happening inside of someone not how they look. I don't have time for prejudice and neither should you!