
My nieces and my LifeSavers Children's ministry experience

This previous weekend my wife and I had the honor of watching our twin nieces, Jordan and Taylor, while their parents went away for their anniversary. They are only a month old and they kept us up most of the night, but it was a lot of fun.

I have to say that our children's ministry is absolutely outstanding. This was my first experience ever bringing kids to church with me. You should have seen all the faces and heard all the questions we got as people thought they were ours. :-) It was priceless.

Anyways, the check-in experience was swift and informative, the drop off was warm, the people welcomed us and I felt comfortable leaving them there (it's a little scary when they are not your own), in fact I felt peace because of the high quality of our volunteers. They took great care of them during service and they were sleeping peacefully when we picked them up. We have an incredible Children's ministry and I know when I have kids of my own (many, many months down the road) I will feel safe and at peace leaving my kids there!


Read: Matthew 22:1-13, 25:14-30

How will they know unless they are told? This is the question I ask you about your friends and family. How will they know unless they are told? Think about when it clicked for you and you realized you had a need for Christ. Where were you? Most people were at church when this happened. They didn't know there was an answer to the hole in their life until they were told and usually that happens at church. Your friends and family need to be at church.

How will they come unless they're asked? Often we pray and pray and pray for our friends and our families to come to the knowledge of Christ and yet we do little to get them to come. I know I have. I've thought if I pray for my friends they will get saved, yet I never invite them to the place where I got saved. There are opportunities all around us to invite some one to come. It's up to us to take the step and invite them.

There are many more people than you think that would come to church with you if you asked. You need to pray for them, but more importantly you need to ask them to come. I forget the exact statistic, but it's something like 85% of all people who come to church do so because they were personally invited. It's time for you to invite. If you are going to double and disciple then you need to invite.

Who is someone you could invite this week? Give them a call, text or face to face and invite. You will be surprised at how many people come because you invite. It's time to invite.

Prayer: God give me the courage and boldness to invite someone this week. Go before me and place a desire in them ahead of time, so when I invite they are willing in Jesus name!

Make disciples - "double and disciple"

Read: Matthew 28:19, 9:37; John 8:31, 13:35; 15:8.

This year you have a goal, well an opportunity to make a goal and accomplish it. You ready for it? Well here it is: I will double and disciple this year! Sound good? Great, now go do it.... What? You want to know what that means? Well, okay then.

This year make it your aim to bring one person to Christ. Just one. Yes pray for your school, work place, family, community to come to Christ, but set your sights on one person. Choose that person right.... Now! Got them in mind? Now write their name down and begin to pray for them everyday. Look for opportunities to invite them to church and to lead them to Christ. This doesn't mean you don't invite others, but this one person is your goal for this year.

How many people did you lead to Christ last year? How many people were you trying to reach? Many of us would answer zero to the first question and thousands to the next. You see the problem is that our efforts are scattered. Jesus said Go into all the world, preach and make disciples, we make disciples one at a time. If each of us would set our sights on one person we would see that person come to Christ. Focus on one person and when they come to Christ your job is half done. Then it's time for the real fun.

After your one has come to Christ you have doubled. One (you) plus one (your friend) equals two, you've just doubled. Now it's time to disciple. Many people run from this because they feel totally unequipped to disciple. They don't know all the scriptures on giving, baptism, healing, why you should read the bible. They don't have a degree in theology, or a fancy business card that says Youth Pastor. Because of this they feel unqualified to disciple, but it is not man or knowledge that qualifies you it is God and because you have faith you are qualified. So how do you disciple? Here is how it's done:

Discipleship is taking someone from where they are to where you are. 1 Corinthians 11:1 says, "follow me as I follow Christ." That is what discipleship is. The person you lead to Christ is going to need to know about baptism. Tell them what you did, how it transformed you and what you know about it. They are going to sin, show them how to repent. Show them how YOU pray. Read the bible with them, Show them how to worship. Talk to them about giving and what it's done for you.

Discipleship is showing others what God has done for you and helping them through all the experiences that you were helped through. It's not as hard as we make it. You are qualified, just be you, use your experiences and what God has shown you and you will make a disciple. Don't worry if something comes up you are not equipped to handle, call the person who discipled you and they will help.

This year double and disciple. Once you've done this, you and the one you discipled should double and disciple again. You are equipped to double and disciple. Begin praying today and watch how God will use you!

Prayer: God help me to double and disciple this year. I pray that you would work on _______'s heart and that I would have opportunities to invite them and lead them to Christ. Help me to disciple them and not be afraid. I am equipped!


Read: Matthew 5:10; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 6:22; John 15:20; Romans 8:35-39; 2 Corinthians 4:8-12; James 1:2-5; 1 Peter 4:12-16.

Any time we talk about standing up for what God has done in our lives, we have to take a moment and talk about persecution. It would be unfair for me to paint of Christianity as the end of all trouble and pain. As Christ followers we will experience trouble and pain because of our stance but we don't have to go through it alone.

When evaluating persecution we know three things: It is guaranteed to happen, we will make it through it, on the other side is blessing. This is what the Word tells us about persecution. We will look at each aspect of this below after we address what persecution is and isn't.

What it is? Persecution is being made fun of, treated unfairly and unjustly because of what you believe. It is what people do to you when you stand for truth and they don't like it. I've seen parents persecute children and vice versa, friends persecute friends, teachers persecute students and on and on and on. Persecution is not suffering pain because of sin. If you sin and people do this things to you or you go through a hard time that's your own fault, you sinned. Persecution is suffering because you stand for Christ and it is an honor.

1 Peter 4:12-16
12 Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. 13 Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world. 14 So be happy when you are insulted for being a Christian, for then the glorious Spirit of God rests upon you. 15 If you suffer, however, it must not be for murder, stealing, making trouble, or prying into other people’s affairs. 16 But it is no shame to suffer for being a Christian. Praise God for the privilege of being called by his name!

It's guaranteed - In John 15:20 Jesus basically says you are going to be persecuted because you love me and stand for me. Above it tells us not to be surprised when we are persecuted. Persecution stinks! It's painful and not fun, but it is the price of devotion and discipleship and every time you pay a price for Jesus, He always makes it worth the pain of paying it.

You'll make it - No matter what happens in your life God will always be there. He cannot leave you or forsake you and you cannot be separated from His love. 2 Corinthians 4:8-12 tells us that even though we go through stuff, God will be there to help us. In the midst of persecution God is there and it is the fiery trials of life that cause us to depend on Him more and grow closer to him. It may feel like everyone has abandoned you and you cannot make it another day, but God is there and you will make it. Run to him and call on his name for help.

Blessing - Always on the other side of persecution is blessing. Jesus said that anyone who has given up friends, family, houses, etc... for his name will receive 100 times more in this life and the next. The other side of persecution has greater blessing, greater anointing, greater friends, greater victory, and a greater relationship with God. Every time God asks you to pay a price for him the reward always out weighs the pain of paying it. There is great blessing for you on the other side of persecution.

Every person who stands for God and takes ground from the enemy will be persecuted. I've been persecuted by family, friends, enemies, teachers, and other Christians. I've had rumors spread about me that weren't true, I've been labeled as many things and lost friends because of my stand. It was painful and it really stunk, but I wouldn't trade the blessing I've received and where God has taken me to go back.

Persecution is coming, God is ready to help and it will be worth it. Stand and endure!

Prayer: God give me the right perspective when I am persecuted. Strengthen me to endure and stand for you and bless me on the other side.



Read: Matthew 10:32; 1 Timothy 6:12-13; Romans 10:9-10; 2 Timothy 1:8; 1 John 4:15.

"Everyone who acknowledges (confesses) me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10:32-33

Confession. The bible is full of it. In fact according to Romans 10:9-10 you cannot receive salvation without confession. Confession is the key to forgiveness of sin and the healing of a sinful past. There is one area of confession that often doesn't get mentioned.

After you've confessed that Jesus is Lord, confessed your sins and been healed, had your life completely transformed, it is natural when you get around people who know nothing about the power of God and transformation to slide under the radar as the same old, so and so. It's easy to go back to school and go back to the same friends, have the same conversations and make the same choices. That is easy and natural, but you've been changed, radically transformed, you cannot go back, so now it's time to confess.

It's time to live the transformation and tell others about it. When your old friends ask what has changed about your old life, you confess. When they want you to do the same old stuff you used to and engage in the same conversations you used to, you confess, I've been changed, I don't do that anymore.

It's easy not to confess because of fear and rejection. Yet Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 1:8, "So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord." If we confess Christ before our friends they may mock us and reject us, but God will accept us and continue to transform us. If we deny him and what he's done for us before our friends then he will deny us. It's time to stand and confess what God has done for our lives.

Fear - Fear is the greatest enemy of faith. There are many people that have missed what God wanted to do through them because of fear. Fear will paralyze you and keep you from the purpose God has for your life. Take fear by the neck and throw it out of your life.

Timothy was a young man was radically transformed. Paul knew it might cost him his friends, his popularity, and much more if confessed God, so he told him never be ashamed, so right before that he shared with Timothy that God has not given us fear, but power. Paul knew if Timothy would pay the price, God would use him and he did. Timothy was the pastor of one of the largest churches in the world in his day, as a young man.

Fear will keep you from your destiny. Confront it head on and confess what God has done for you. It may be painful at first, but you will be in complete shock at what God does through you and for you. You will be amazed at the friends you never thought would come, are now living radically for God.

Rejection - I hate being rejected. I have never woken up and thought, "man I'd love to get rejected by people I care about today!" Yet rejection is a part of life, especially when you begin to stand for what God has done and is doing. In fact Jesus was rejected by his own family because of his stand. We too may be rejected as we confess what God has done, but because Jesus was rejected we are accepted by God. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be accepted by God and have Him place people in my life, than be accepted by everybody and be rejected by God. As you confess you may be rejected, but you will always be accepted by God and your church family.

Confession can cost you, but the reward or confess far out weighs the cost. As you go back to school transformed and changed, confess Him and watch what God does in your life!

Prayer: Lord give me the strength to confess you and not deny before man. When I fear or am rejected help me to stand and know that you are taking care of me!


Yearbook yourself!

Here's what Gia and I would look like through the decades:






Good times! You can do it too here. Have fun!


Read: Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-48; John 15:16; Colossians 1:6, 23.

Now that we have received Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit and are a part of the church family it's time to go. Too often people get transformed and they do nothing with that transformation. I've heard this analogy many times and I'd like to share it with you.

In the middle east there are two seas that are not far from one another. One sea is teaming with life and the other is completely dead. In fact it is incapable of supporting or sustaining life. They are the Red Sea, full of life, and the Dead Sea, well it's name says it all. The only difference that can be found between the two is this; one goes and the other stays. Both seas have rivers pouring into them, but only the Red Sea "go's" or has a river coming out of it. You see it is because the Dead Sea keeps all that is poured into it that it is dead. There must be pouring in and pouring out.

The same is true in our lives. God has poured his transformation and life into you and now you must go and take it to others. If we stay, what has been poured into us will eventually die. Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and tell others. This means getting out of the four walls of the church and telling others about what God has done.

We don't have time to stay, we have got to go. We need to pour out what is being poured in. As we pour out and go, God pours new and fresh anointing into our lives. It's time to go!

Prayer: God I will go. I will not be afraid. I will pour out and believe that you will pour in to my life!

Evangelism Reading Plan

Monday GO! Read: Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-48; John 15:16; Colossians 1:6, 23.
Prayer: God I will go. I will not be afraid.

Tuesday Confess Read: Matthew 10:32; 1 Timothy 6:12-13; Romans 10:9-10; 2 Timothy 1:8; 1 John 4:15.
Prayer: Lord give me the strength to confess you and not deny before man.

Wednesday Persecution Read: Matthew 5:10; Mark 10:29-30; Luke 6:22; John 15:20; Romans 8:35-39; 2 Corinthians 4:8-12; James 1:2-5; 1 Peter 4:12-16.
Prayer: God give me the right perspective when I am persecuted.

Thursday Make disciples Read: Matthew 28:19, 9:37; John 8:31, 13:35; 15:8.
Prayer: God help me to make disciples of every person I bring.

Friday Invite Read: Matthew 22:1-13, 25:14-30
Prayer: Please place spiritual mothers in my life to nurture me and encourage me.

Saturday Pray Read: Matthew 5:44; John 17:20-21; Ephesians 1:18, 3:17-21; Colossians 4:3-4; 2 Thessalonians 3:1
Prayer: Please help me understand my role in the family.

Sunday Live Read: Galatians 2:20; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Matthew 5:13-16; 2 Corinthians 4:6.
Prayer: Please help me to fulfill my role in the family.

Your role in the family part 2

Read: Acts 2:42-47; Romans 1:8-13; 1 Thessalonians 5:25; Romans 12:9-13.

As I mentioned last post each of us has a role to play. Here are more areas each of us need to contribute to the family of God. Sharing our time, talent and treasure and prayer.

Time - Each of us has time. We use that time to work or go to school. We use that time for TV, the Internet, to hang out with friends. We use our time to do many things. One area we need to share our time is with church family. We need to spend time volunteering, discipling, helping, and hanging with church family. It is important to give your time to your church family.

Talent - God has given each of us a talent for one purpose. To contribute it to the church family. You have talents that you can share with the church family. When each person shares their talent the church family grows in health and number. What are your talents? Share them with the church family and watch God grow the church family and your life.

Treasure - Finances, money! We each have it in different measures. Some have tons, some have little. Each of us should share with the church family out of the measure they have. It is so important to give your finances to God and to His family because it shows that your heart is for him and his family. The tithe, offerings and blessing others are ways to share your treasure with the family of Christ. Give and it will be given to you even more. Share your treasure and God will bless you with more.

Prayer - Pray! Pray for your church family, pray for your pastors and leaders. Pray for others! This keeps you focused on the needs of others and not yourself. Remember there is no room for selfishness in this family, only those willing to serve. Prayer eliminates arguments and grudges. Pray for everyone, people you like and don't like, friends and enemies. Pray for your church family!

Each of us has a part to play. It's time for you to begin playing yours. Share your time, talent and treasure and pray! Don't wait, start now.

Prayer: Father I am going to share my time, talent, and treasure with my church family and I will pray. Use me to grow the family of Christ.

Your role in the family part 1

Read: Galatians 6:10; Matthew 20:25-28; Proverbs 17:17; John 13:35.

The moment we choose Christ we become part of a church family. There are huge benefits of being a part of the family. Leadership, guidance, destiny, identity, DNA and much more. The joy of having a spiritual father and mother, brothers and sister and on and on. Each person has a part to play and role. Here are a few roles that each must fulfill: Do good, serve, love and friendship.

Do good - In everything you do, with every word do good, especially to those who are in the family of Christ. Many families are built around selfishness. The attitude of what can you do for me is the attitude of most people. In the family of God our attitude needs to be what can I do for you? In every possible way we should do good for and to each other and not harm. Every time you have an opportunity, do good!

Serve - Jesus addressed this one. He told us that it's natural to lord over people. If we are older or have achieved more we feel we have earned the right to be served and honored by people "under" us. It's natural to flaunt our authority, yet Jesus commands us to serve. Instead of fighting over who's in charge and who should be listened to, we should serve one another, listen to each other and submit to one another. This means treating our younger siblings and those "under" us with respect and serving them. It's crazy, I know, but in this family we serve each other.

Love - The church family is built on the foundation of love. Love endures, it keeps no record of wrong and it covers sin. In this family we are quick to forgive and love all even if we don't like them. There is no room for grudges, gossip and hate, but love and forgiveness. It is your duty to love others and help them. Read 1 Corinthians 13 for a greater understanding of the love we should have for each other.

Friendship - As a part of the family of God we have a role of friendship to play. We have a duty to be friends to others in the family. Friends are loyal and trustworthy. Friends help us through difficult times. You need to make friends and be friends with people in the family of God. My best friends are those who are in God's family. They encourage me and help me through things and I return the favor.

Each of us has a role to play in the family and this is only the beginning. If each of us will play our part the family of Christ will be irresistible to those who are outside. People will know that Jesus is who He said He is when we each play our part in the family.

Prayer: Father please help me understand my role in the family and help me to fulfill it!


Spiritual Mothers

Read: 1 Timothy 5:1-2; 2 Timothy 1:3-7; Proverbs 6:20-23; 1 Thessalonians 2:7

Spiritual Mothers! Everyone of us needs one, just as you need a spiritual father you need a mother. Proverbs tells us to tie our mothers teaching around our neck as a constant reminder to us. Spiritual mothers pass on genuine faith and godly character. They also draw out our destiny and bring encouragement. I know in my life my natural mother has been my spiritual mother as well. The above four things have been huge in my development as a man of God. Let's take a look at each using Timothy and Jesus as our examples.

Genuine Faith – 2 Timothy 1:5 says the genuine faith that is in you which was first in your grandma and your mom. Timothy had genuine faith because it was passed from his grandma to his mom and then to him. Spiritual mom's are instrumental in passing on genuine faith. I know that my mom constantly spoke faith and still does into my life. When my faith is weak I call her and she always knows what to say and pray to stir up my faith. Spiritual mothers will pass on genuine faith.

Godly Character – 1 Timothy 4:12 says be an example of Godly character. Timothy had Godly Character, he had integrity, he was pure, had faith, loved others, conducted himself as he ought to. Spiritual mothers teach Godly character by modeling it in their life. Mom's typically spend more time with children instructing them and showing them what is right. Being around a spiritual mother, receiving the teaching and instruction will fill you with Godly character. Godly character is so important to becoming and maintaining who God calls you to be. Another way to explain this would be DNA. Natural mothers pass on DNA, Spiritual mothers pass on Spiritual DNA, faith and character.

Destiny - It is the job of a Spiritual father to give destiny and identity, but the job of a spiritual mother to draw it out of them. Jesus' mom drew the destiny out of Jesus at the Wedding of Cana. Jesus thought it wasn't his time yet to begin ministry, to step out and fulfill the destiny he had, but his mom had another idea. She was right and Jesus began to perform miracles. Spiritual mothers draw the destiny out of you. They nudge you when it's time to be who God has called you and comfort you when you are afraid.

Encouragement - Mothers encourage. They always know what to say when you need it. Their smiles, words and hugs are HUGE to keeping you going when things get tough. Spiritual mother will encourage you and comfort you when you need it.

Spiritual mothers are so important to your life in Christ. Surround yourself with older ladies that can be mothers to you, can pass on faith, character, draw out destiny and encourage you. If your natural mother is a woman of God let her be your spiritual mother, if not God has a spiritual mother for you.

Prayer: God please place spiritual mothers in my life to nurture me and encourage me. Let me receive the faith and character that they pass on!

Ignite Recap Videos

Check them out! You can copy them from Josh Danskin's YouTube page here.

Day 1 and 2

Day 3

Day 4

What an incredible week! I cant wait until next year.

See you Sunday!


And the superstar volunteer of Ignite camp goes to....

Tristan Berg! Jenny Brien! Tiffany Bourgeois! Nate Caldwell! Tina Chavez! Justin Crouch! Josh Danskin! Heidi Levesque! Jon Levesque! Terryl Padilla! Anna Tatham!

Each one of these guys made Ignite Camp the most incredible week this summer.

Tristan Berg

Tristan has been a faithful volunteer at GRID 2911 for many years. He works an insane schedule and still makes sure he is at everything. Tristan took a week off of work to volunteer at Ignite Camp. His leadership and passion was and is contagious. He did an incredible job leading the G's for Jesus with his co leader. Thank you Tristan!

Jenny Brien

Jenny has also been an incredible volunteer at GRID 2911 for many years. She took a week away from her husband to lead with Tristan the G's for Jesus. She was a vital part in helping work out details for the camp. Her prophetic voice at camp was inspiring, her leadership, passion and compassion were incredible. She had the opportunity to help some young ladies through some tough issues and she did it with power and anointing. Thank you Jenny!

Tiffany Bourgeois

Tiffers co lead Team ID with her future brother in law Terryl. Hailing from the island of Guam Tiffany's passion for our generation is evident and contagious. When she took the mic God's anointing was so evident, it certainly broke chains off of people. Her leadership changed the lives of many young ladies, especially those who didn't want to be there. Thank you Tiffany!

Nate Caldwell

Nate was our utility player at camp. He came early, worked day and night to set up and get things ready and was always willing at a moments notice to do what ever it took to make it the greatest week of the summer. Nate not only was vital to Ignite camps success, but pulled double duty and lead at Accelerate Kids Camp. Nate's desire for the things of God and to see people's lives changed was key to the success of Ignite and Accelerate. Thank you Nate!

Tina Chavez

WOW! Tina's leadership was absolutely amazing. She had to lead through some real difficulties and did it with strength and anointing and many, many, many, many lives were changed because of it. As the leader of Magma I saw her students transformed in a real powerful way and it was because of Tina's passion, love and leadership. Thank you Tina!

Justin Crouch

Justin was my right hand man at Ignite. He oversaw the audio production set up and ran it. He made the youth worship team sound really good and he co lead team R2D2 with Anna. One night Justin took the mic and preached the most anointed seven minute word I have heard in a long time. His passionate prayer and leadership was outstanding and lives were change because of his faith! Thank you Justin!

Josh Danskin

Josh was the media maniac at camp. He got there early too to set up lights and video. All week Josh worked his can off to film and produce highlight videos. Not only did he film, edit and run video during services, he lead, prayed, and tore it up with all the young people there. He was the adopted leader of Team ID. One night he stayed up until 4:45am to produce a highlight video, that was off the heezy by the way. Josh is the man! Thank you Josh!

Heidi Levesque

Heidi! She also took work off for the week, lead team D4 and drove the bus down and back and down and back and down and back. Few people knew, but Heidi got up early or drove late on several occasions to drop off and pick up buses. This was her first camp leadership experience and she knocked it out of the park. Her passion and faith are evident and have changed many lives. She is an incredible spiritual mother to many! Thank you Heidi!

Jon Levesque

Jon was only able to get the last couple days of work off, but he did it and he showed up with an explosion of faith and passion. He stepped right in and helped his wife lead team D4 and did an incredible job. His leadership was outstanding and in only a few short hours gained the trust of his team and was able to help many change and grow. Thank you Jon!

Terryl Padilla

Terryl took his leadership to a whole new level! He co lead with Tiffers team ID and help many young men develop a passion for God. His team were found on many occasion reading their bible, engaging in passionate worship and hungry for God and it was his leadership and passion that sparked this. He taught from the stage on worship and helped take camp to the next level. His prayers and teachings were outstanding and vital to Ignites success. Thank you Terryl!

Anna Tatham

My nickname for Anna is quiet thunder because she's always been quiet, but extremely powerful. At ignite the thunder roared as Anna unleashed the passion and incredible leadership that is inside of her. On several occasions she took the mic and preached the word. It was incredible to see the anointing on her life. She stepped up and stepped in to help any in need. Her faith and leadership certainly transformed many! Thank you Anna!

Each one of these leaders contributed in far more ways that a little paragraph can say and deserve far more thanks. Ignite could not have been what it was had it not been for their leadership, passion, faith and prayers. When you see them give them a HUGE thank you!

Others who contributed and deserve mad props: Ryan Brien, Kristian Gorman, Jaime Flippin, Kat Bourgeois, Chuck and Stephanie Richter and Mark Wilmot.


Temptation is knocking

Read: Matthew 6:13, 26:41; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Ephesians 6:12-13; 1 Peter 5:8-9;

Everyday you will be faced with temptation. What do you do when temptation is knocking at your door? What do you do when temptation is calling your name? Everyday you are going to have opportunities to fall prey to temptation. What is temptation? Temptation is the desire and opportunity to sin, to fall back into that which you've been free from. You have the choice everyday to turn your back on temptation or to open the door and let it in. So what do you do when temptation knocks on your door?

Well... you get the hammer, wood and nails and you board up the door it's knocking on. Actually just burn down the door it's knocking on. In other words, don't entertain temptation for even a second. The second you go to the door the harder it is to walk away. If you open the door to see whose knocking the chances you will open the door and fall to temptation are extremely high. The Word of God is your greatest tool in overcoming temptation. Here are some ways to overcome.

Go on the offensive - Matthew 6:13 is a prayer for God not to lead you into temptation. If you know you are tempted by something, don't wait for it to come to you. Get rid of it. Go on the offensive and get it out of your life. It's not worth falling time and time again. Be strong and courageous and get rid of it. We are in a spiritual battle, so fight. When Jesus was tempted he used the word of God to overcome temptation. Do the same and you will have victory over that which tempts you.

Don't buy into the lie - The enemy will lie to you and tell you that nobody else struggles with what you struggle with. There is no one to help you and you are the worst person to ever walk the planet. There is a lie that you will never be able to overcome. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that the temptations we face are no different than what others face and God is faithful, he will not allow us to be tempted more than we can stand. Don't believe the lie. Believe the truth... the Word of God!

Accountability - Get someone in your life who can lead you and hold you accountable. This will help you overcome. They can pray for you, encourage you, correct you, show you how to overcome. You need a leader, not a friend, that can hold you accountable in your life. This is so important to overcome temptation. When it knocks on your door they can hold you back from opening it and falling on your face again. Get some accountability in your life.

Temptation is knocking on the door of your life, but you don't have to answer it. Use the word, stand upon the truth and get some accountability and you will have victory over that thing that has held you back for so long. The victory is yours for the taking! When Temptation knocks... knock it out with the Word of God!

Prayer: Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil. God I will read the word and speak it in the midst of temptation. Help me to be accountable to someone who can lead me out of my sin and into your righteousness.

For more on temptation I posted more on a blog here.

Spiritual Fathers

Read: 1 Timothy 5:1-2; 1 Timothy 1:1-2; Proverbs 6:20-23; Ephesians 6:1-4.

1 Corinthians 4:14-16 The Message Bible
14-16I'm not writing all this as a neighborhood scold just to make you feel rotten. I'm writing as a father to you, my children. I love you and want you to grow up well, not spoiled. There are a lot of people around who can't wait to tell you what you've done wrong, but there aren't many fathers willing to take the time and effort to help you grow up. It was as Jesus helped me proclaim God's Message to you that I became your father. I'm not, you know, asking you to do anything I'm not already doing myself.

Fathers. Everyone of us needs a spiritual father and often many spiritual fathers in our lives. Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 that they provide discipline and instruction from the Lord. Proverbs tells us that the correction, instruction and counsel will guide us, be a light for us and it is the way to life. Fathers bring us life, light, counsel and guidance. 1 Corinthians tells us that they help us mature or grow up!

You need a spiritual father in your life. A person with wisdom to help you through all of life's difficulties. A person you respect and honor and can receive correction and direction from. Spiritual fathers provide four things: Destiny/identity, Protection, Spiritual Food and Authority.

Destiny - In the Jewish culture your father told you what you would one day be and do. Fathers held the destiny of their children. Today's culture it is the same. Spiritual fathers will unlock and help you see the destiny in your life. Destiny and identity go hand in hand. If you have a destiny you have an identity and vice versa. We have an identity crisis in the youth of America because of a lack of fathers. A spiritual father will provide destiny and identity for your life. They will tell you, then show you who you are (identity) and position you to hear God on what you should do (destiny).

Protection - Fathers also provide protection. Protection from others, protection from yourself and protection from anything harmful. A spiritual father will be a covering of protection for your life. Showing you things, areas in yourself and others that are harmful. Listen to them! If they tell you a relationship is harmful, listen! They know what they are talking about. My natural father protected me from others, myself and anything that could harm me, the same is true with spiritual fathers.

Spiritual Food - In today's society both fathers and mothers provide for the home. According to the Word Fathers have a mandate from God to provide. This doesn't mean a mother cannot it's just Fathers are required to provide food and nourishment for their families. A spiritual father is someone who can feed you spiritually for a time and then teach you to feed yourself. They can guide you and show you what to read and how to pray and once you have it down release you to feed yourself. They help you grow strong in your faith and in Christ.

Authority - Authority is the difference between someone who gets set free and someone who stays in bondage. We all have power, but we need the authority to exercise the power. In order to have authority in your life you must first be under authority. You have to be submitted, or willing to listen to and follow someone else. You need a spiritual father in your life that you are willing to listen to and follow. One you honor and are under. One who can come at anytime and say you need to change this and you will change it. This creates authority in your life and that is the way to tapping into the power that God has for you!

You need a spiritual father in your life. How do you find one? Well start with your own father. If your dad is a man of God who can provide these things then there you go! You will still have a pastor that you need to submit to as a spiritual father, but your natural dad if they are a man of God will be the best spiritual father you can have.

If you don't have the joy of having a natural father like that then God has a spiritual father for you. Pastors, Elders, leaders and older men who are men of God will be that spiritual father for you. Submit yourself to them and they will provide that which you need.

Prayer: Please place spiritual fathers in my life to speak destiny and purpose into my life. I choose to submit myself to them and receive what I need from them even I don't always like what I hear. Help them to mature me and grow me into the person I am called to be!

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Brothers and Sisters

Read: Hebrews 10:24-25; 1 Timothy 5:1-2; Romans 16:1-2; James 2:15-17; Philemon 1:1-7; Romans 14:21.

The moment you receive Christ into your life, you become a part of the family of God. This means that those guys sitting next to you in church are your brothers in Christ and the those ladies are your sisters. Just like in a natural family there is a proper way to treat your brothers and sisters.

Your brothers and sisters should be treated with respect and with all purity. We should encourage them, treat them purely, help them out in time of need, and love them.

Encourage them - "...but encourage one another..." Hebrews 10:25 It can be rough out there. Work, school, family life, all of it can drag us down. We need to make sure we encourage one another. Encouragement is often the difference between someone who quits and someone who pushes through to victory. Encourage each other!

Purity - "...treat younger women with all purity as you would your sister..." 1 Timothy 5:2 "It's better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else if it might cause another believer to stumble." Romans 14:21 When you are checking that member of the opposite sex out remember they are your brother or sister and don't treat them any differently until you are married. Would you talk about, look at and think about your sibling that way? If you are knock it off. Treat them with purity. Also, ladies and few men, be careful with how you dress. Everyone be careful how you talk to one another. If you dress and talk in a way to get people to like you or look at you, you are causing them to stumble. It's time to be pure in how we treat each other.

Help them - "Suppose you see a brother or sister who has no food or clothing... So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless." James 2:15, 17
"...help her in whatever she needs..." Romans 16:2 If you know someone can't afford something and they need it and you have the ability, provide it. Give out of your abundance. Help others get to events, get clothes, food and such. Help each other financially, in prayer and support. We are a family!

Love them - "Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother..." Philemon 1:7 Love each other. Give your life to one another. Don't be rude and short with each other, but be patient. Love each other it will bring joy and comfort to those who need it. In fact if we love one another others will know that we are Christ followers. Even if you don't like them you still need to love them. Let love be your guide in your conduct.

We are brothers and sisters and some of you out there don't like your natural brothers and sisters. That trend is now changing in your life. Love, give, serve, encourage, and pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ. You need it and they need it.

Prayer: Help me to relate to my brothers and sisters and treat them with respect.


Special Worship and prayer night this Wednesday

Tomorrow night at 7pm we are having a special time of worship and prayer for all our students at The Grid. Plan on being there! It's going to be incredible. We are going to continue in crazy worship and praise and begin to pray for God to do amazing things in our friends!

The One

Read: Genesis 2:21-24; Proverbs 18:22, 19:14; Matthew 7:7-8; John 16:24

God has someone for you. Someone special for you. Someone perfect for you and you have a choice. Will I wait for God to bring me the one or will I go out and try and find them? Many people would tell you that you need to date around, test drive a bunch of cars before you know which one you will want. I disagree with this view point and so does the word. God brought Eve to Adam and Rebekah to Isaac. If you will trust God he will bring you the one you will spend your life with. If you choose to wait, and you should, there are some things you need to do to prepare yourself.

Make a list - Seek God and ask him what you need in a mate. Write it down. Hint: being a person full of faith should be number 1. Make a list of what you desire in a future mate and do not settle for anything less. If someone meets half of the list, not good enough. 3/4 not good enough. God will give you the perfect person for you. He will give you what you desire.

Pray - Pray for the person you will be with. Pray that God will keep them and prepare them for you. Pray that God will prepare you for the person. Pray for their destiny and for their life in God. Pray for your future spouse. It will keep you focused on what God has for you and keep you from trying to find someone yourself.

Wait and Serve - God is big enough to bring you the perfect one when you are ready and to keep them for you. You don't have to go out and find them. In fact you shouldn't. If you will stay in the house of God and serve the house of God, he will bring you the perfect one. Adam was fulfilling his purpose when God brought him Eve. Isaac was in the field, this symbolizes serving and God brought him Rebekah. Trust God, wait and serve and God will bring you the perfect one. It happened for me, Adam, and Isaac and it will happen for you.

God has a perfect one for you. Wait for it, it will be worth it! I waited for my wife. I didn't fool around with dating in high school, but served God and he brought me Gia. She is perfect for me and I could not be happier. She was more than worth the wait. In fact at times I cannot believe that I'm married to her. She is my gift from God. You don't know what you want when you are 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, so you really shouldn't be dating. You can however ask God to place a right desire in your life, show you what you need and make a list and pray. Then wait and serve and God will bring you the one for your life!

Prayer: God please bless the person I am supposed to be with. Keep them for me and bring them into my life when the time is right. Prepare me to be the perfect mate for them. Help me to stay focused and wait.

Not all relationships are created equal...

Read: 1 Corinthians 6:14-15, 15:33; Ezra 9:1-2; Amos 3:3.

When it comes to dating as a Christ follower there are specific guidelines that will bring you great success! Just like if you ignore the guidelines for driving a car it will end in pain, disaster and possibly death, if you ignore the guidelines set in the Word of God as to who you should and should not date it will end in great pain, disaster and potentially spiritual death.

Why you date is the most important aspect of dating. It should only be to find a life long mate. Don't date until you are ready to find a mate. It should not be because you are lonely, insecure, and lack confidence, this will end in pain and heart ache as well. Who you date is the second most important aspect of dating. Because you are searching for someone to spend the rest of your life with you better make sure you follow biblical guidelines.

Not all relationships are created equal. In 1 Corinthians 6:14-15 it tells us not to team up with an unbeliever. In other words do not date or marry somebody who doesn't follow Christ. The reason is your outlook on why you date and how you should live will differ drastically and this person will only hinder what God has for you.

"But Pastor Travis I can change them!" Um okay, try this illustration you will need someone to help. Stand on a chair and have a person stand on the ground. Now, hold their hand and try to pull them up onto the chair with that one hand. What happened? Unless you are twice their size and work out everyday you can't do it. Now have them with that one hand try and pull you off the chair. What happened? Unless you chose someone who took it easy on you, you fell. This is what happens when we date someone who is a person of no faith. We try and pull them up to God, but in the end they pull us down. This is why not all relationships are created equal.

Amos 3:3 says how can two walk together unless they agree? The answer they cannot. What happens if you marry someone who is a person of no faith and you are going to tithe. Will they agree... no! What if you want to serve and take vacation to help out with camp, will they agree... no! What about prayer, the word, morality, worship, what kind of media you watch and listen to, how to raise your children, church? In all of these areas there will be arguements and fighting and division and a house divided cannot stand. There will be no unity from the beginning and your relationship will be doomed to fail. Not all relationships are created equal. Date and marry only those who are full of faith, believing what you do.

If you are in a relationship right now and the person you are dating is a person of no faith, you need to break it off right now if you are a student. If you are older and maybe you got saved while dating this person, consider your life since you got saved. Have they been supportive, has there been peace and unity? If not you should probably break it off and decide to only date and marry those who believe what you believe.

Your dating relationship and marriage can be the greatest time of your life or it can end in disaster, all you've got to do to make sure it's the greatest is evaluate why you are dating, who you are dating and live by a standard that sets you apart from the culture.

Prayer: God help me to end any unhealthy relationships and wait for someone who loves you. I will date when I'm ready to get married and date only those who are full of faith in you!

The Purpose of the Family

Read: Ephesians 3:15-20; 1 Corinthians 12:18-27

What is the purpose of the family of Christ? It is to be the representation of God in your life. The church family is there to encourage you, direct you and correct you. The family is called to be the voice of God, the representation of God in your life and should show you the love of God.

1 Corinthians 12 talks about the body and how each part is important. The same is true about the family. Each member of the family is important. Spiritual fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters are needed in our life. Here is a breakdown of the purpose of the family of Christ.

Encouragement - Nothing gets me fired up to continue in God's purpose for my life like encouragement and it is from Spiritual fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. Encouragement is fuel for your fire when life stinks. You need it in your life. That is why you should surround your self with church family. People who are not a part of the family of Christ cannot encourage you like those who are a part. Surround yourself with these people!

Direction - I've heard of many people who went to others who did not know Christ for direction in their life and it ends in disaster. The church family has the things of God in mind and can often see God working in your life when you cannot. You need a pastor, father, mother in your life to give you direction. They can help you with life's difficult decisions. I don't know where I would be without the direction of my pastor... lost for sure! Direction will keep you on the right path, heading towards your destiny!

Correction - Most people want encouragement and direction, but think when they are corrected people have gone to far. It's because of correction some people leave the church. They think, "what right do they have to say that to me?" Well when you are a part of a family there are times where correction is needed. In fact I have grown more from correction than from direction or encouragement. Correction is not a mean thing but rather a sign of love. In fact Hebrews 12:6 says that God disciplines the ones He loves. Correction/discipline is a sign of love. You need people in your life who will correct you and who you can receive correction from.

The Church family is so important to your growth spiritually. You need it in your life. Encouragement, Direction and Correction!

Prayer: Father help me to yield to the purpose of the family of Christ in my life. Help me to surround myself with people who will encourage, direct and correct me. I open myself up to receive encouragement, direction and correction. I'm not going to go about it alone.


The Family of Christ

Read: Proverbs 18:1; Acts 2:42-47; Matthew 12:47-50.

"Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" Then he pointed to his disciples and said, "Look, these are my mother and brothers Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." Matthew 12:48-50 NLT

In the above scripture Jesus begins to set us up for a new revelation of people who follow him. When we enter the kingdom of God by asking Jesus into our life we receive salvation, hope a new life and one more thing among everything else. We are now a part of the family of Christ. In the book of Ephesians we see the church represented in a variety of ways. The church is a body, it's an army and it's a bride. One of the most important functions of the church is that it is a family. We have been adopted (Ephesians 1:5) by God into his family and are now his sons and daughters.

There are so many benefits and responsibilities that come with being a part of a family. Each and everyone of us has a role and responsibilities to take care of as members of the family of Christ. There are no free loaders in this family. There are no 29-year-old-single-people-with-no-job living-in-their-momma's-basement in this family. Each person is very important and has a role.

Many people have come from a broken home. It is not common anymore for people to have a proper understanding of how a family should act and function. They don't know what a true father does, acts like and how they love. They don't understand what a true mother should do and how they act and love. They are in the dark when it comes to being a true brother or sister. They need a lesson in what it means to be a part of a family. This week will be dedicated to shaping your view of how a family should act and interact. It'll show you the relationships you need in your life and role you play.

If you have a warped understanding of family I want you to read 1 Corinthians 13. This chapter is about love and the foundation of your Church Family is love and a desire to serve one another. Also read Philippians 2:3. God has a family for you a Father, mother, brothers and sisters that are a part of his family.

Prayer: Father help me to understand the family of Christ. Take any fear or previous bad experiences I've had and give me a proper outlook on your family.


Church Family Reading Plan

Church Family Reading Plan

Monday The Family of Christ Read: Proverbs 18:1; Acts 2:42-47; Matthew 12:47-50.
Prayer: Father help me to understand the family of Christ.

Tuesday The purpose of the family Read: Ephesians 3:15-20; 1 Corinthians 12:18-27
Prayer: Father help me to yield to the purpose of the family of Christ in my life.

Wednesday Brothers and Sisters Read: Hebrews 10:24-25; 1 Timothy 5:1-2; Romans 16:1; James 2:15-17; Philemon 2:1-7; Romans 14:21.
Prayer: Help me to relate to my brothers and sisters and treat them with respect.

Thursday Spiritual Fathers Read: 1 Timothy 5:1-2; 1 Timothy 1:1-2; Proverbs 6:20-23; Ephesians 6:1-4.
Prayer: Please place spiritual fathers in my life to speak destiny and purpose into my life.

Friday Spiritual Mothers Read: 1 Timothy 5:1-2; 1 Timothy 1:3-7; Proverbs 6:20-23; 1 Thessalonians 2:7
Prayer: Please place spiritual mothers in my life to nurture me and encourage me.

Saturday Your Role in the family pt 1 Read: Galatians 6:10; Matthew 20:25-28; Proverbs 17:17; John 13:35.
Prayer: Please help me understand my role in the family.

Sunday Your Role in the family pt 2 Read: Acts 2:42-47; Romans 1:8-13; 1 Thessalonians 5:25; Romans 12:9-13.
Prayer: Please help me to fulfill my role in the family.

Go to TravisWarren.com for further explanation of each topic everyday!


Ignite Recap

WOW!!!!!!!! That is the first thing I say when I'm asked about Ignite Camp. The next thing I say is that it was UNBELIEVABLE. I expected God to move, I expected Him to change lives, I expected Him to do miracles, but what happened was exceedingly, abundantly, above all I could ask or think. It was unbelievable. Here are some highlights from each day:

  • Arrived safely to camp around 1pm and got into teams.
  • Each team did a little team building exercises, getting to know you games and came up with a team name.
  • Team names were: D4 (the devo divas and disco dudes), Team ID, Team Magma, G's for Jesus and R2D2 (radically devoted times 2).
  • Dinner was the best ravioli I'd had in a long, long time. It just so happened I was really hungry, so maybe that had something to do with it.
  • At 7 we opened the doors with a crazy 60 second countdown right into the youth worship teams first worship set in front of anyone. Thank you to Quinn Richter, Danny Morales and Daniel Bender for working so hard to get ready for camp.
  • There was a huge buzz and expectation as the students entered and during worship.
  • I preached on the road blocks to devotion out of the parable of the sower. Here is a blog post on that.
  • Tons of people responded to the alter call that night to get the little bitty thing off to the side that can grow and choke the word out of your life out of their life.
  • We had small groups later that night and a leader morning after everyone went to bed.
  • Up bright and early at 7am.
  • Breakfast and morning worship.
  • During worship the different team leaders prayed up a storm. You should have heard them. Anna, Tiffany, Justin, Terryl, Jenny, Tristan and Tina all lead the students in praying to God for more. It was incredible to see the leaders step up and lay it down in prayer.
  • After this we had small group time and personal quiet times then lunch. Then the fun began.
  • After lunch we began with a huge game of wizard, elf, giant (rock, paper, scissors combined with tagging the loser). It was epic! I think the best was the game where one of the teams got low on players, so the massive team did cross because the cross beats all and won the game!
  • Then we played a little toilet tag and extreme soccer.
  • After we all got hot and sweaty we had the best water fight I've ever seen. The leaders took all of the water balloons and squirt guns from the students and were set to ambush them. I found out and told the students to charge them. 2 hours later we were all soaked and had huge smiles on our faces.
  • I was dry for most of it until all the leaders and students tricked me into thinking a student was hurt (Tessa), so I ran to the circle was grabbed and drenched with several buckets of water. Good one all! I will not forget who you all are so watch your backs! Just kidding.
  • Dinner that night then service. This is where something broke in the Spirit at camp. Normally by the last night everybody is dancing in worship and dealing with the serious junk. It's always my heart that by the last night that students really "get it." In fact I was expecting God to move the last night and for them to be free and leave camp changed.
  • We did our first two songs and when we finished Break Free I was switching to acoustic guitar for worship and a student yells ONE MORE TIME, then a chant began with all the students yelling ONE MORE TIME began. Terryl looked at me like well? and I gave him the nod, so he told them we'd do it again and all of the students ran to the front without any prompting. We played it again and the whole time they jumped and praised God because He was breaking them free. It was incredible. Worship was incredible and God was doing something.
  • What I had hoped to happen by the last day was happening on the second. It was unbelievable.
  • I spoke that night on the fire of devotion. You can read about it here. The alter call was good, the small groups better and the leaders were going crazy with stories until late in the morning. Kids that didn't want to be there were dancing in God's presence, reading their bibles because they wanted to in their room and anticipating what God had for them.
  • Woke up at 7am.
  • Breakfast and morning worship and prayer. This time with the whole band. As we got ready I was wondering if the students would still worship and praise like they did the night before. As soon as we started they began to worship and praise like they did before.
  • As we worshiped we prayed with them, teaching them how to pray every morning.
  • Next was small group time and personal quiet times then lunch.
  • That afternoon we had paintball, climbing wall, games, and the gym was open.
  • Dinner then Accelerate worship. The youth worship team played for the Accelerate camp which was a lot of fun.
  • We performed our team cheers for the Accelerate kids and Team ID was voted the winners! Congrats!
  • Service was at 7pm with Pastor Mel.
  • All the kids were so excited for her to be there, worship was incredible with the kids once again chanting ONE MORE TIME for Break free (we sang it 11 times at camp for the students and we all still love it!)
  • Pastor Melinda preached an incredible message from Psalm 34:8 and 1 Thessalonians 1:18. Taste and see that the Lord is good.
  • One young lady heard God speak in worship that she need to stop letting boys use her for their gratification and then Pastor Mel spoke on something similar and she was floored.
  • I was so honored to have Pastor Mel there and it was an incredible night.
  • We had small groups and a leader meeting then off to bed for one more full day of camp.
  • Wake up? You guessed it 7am.
  • Breakfast then morning worship and prayer. Again we all got crazy for Jesus.
  • Team ID went to the lake early because they won the cheer comp and had their quiet time in the van over to the lake. The rest of us had small groups and quiet time then off to the lake.
  • Volleyball, swimming, toss-toss, Tubing behind the boat, water fights and sun burns (even though sunscreen was required several times that day) galore!
  • We headed back and made it just in time for dinner.
  • Accelerate Kids Camp's service was right after dinner. We did worship again and I spoke. I shared about David and how he was R.A.D. and therefore was unshakable. Reading and Asking (praying) equals Devotion or R.A.D. We must be R.A.D. to be unshakable.
  • Youth service was right after that beginning with judging the Accelerate cheer comp. The 4th graders won! Congrats to them!
  • That night worship was off the hook again! We did three fast songs and still they wanted more Break Free! After Tuesday I was praying and wondering what more could happen. I mean what you expect for the last night already happened. I'd never been to a camp where it happened so fast, so I didn't know what more there was for us. We already had tons of God moments what more was there, but God had a Word for everybody.
  • About fifteen minutes before service He gave me two scriptures, an illustration and a title. When I spoke the anointing fell in that place. That night people all over wrote down the old life they were leaving on paper and took it to the cross. There were tears, prophecy and baptism in the Holy Spirit. Here is the message.
  • The Spirit of God fell in a way I haven't seen in a long time. The service lasted three hours and ended with people all around the room on their face before God crying out for more. We dismissed them to get snacks or stay until their small groups and probably half stayed because they didn't want to leave God's presence. It was unbelievable!!! You can read the message here.
  • Many groups that night were speechless when asked to sum up the night. It was something God did that was amazing.
  • That night was Junior/Senior night, so they all hung out with us leaders, made lunches for the trip home, played games, ran around for a couple of hours playing with mice and got to bed really late.
  • Woke up at 7, cleaned and packed and went to breakfast.
  • Worship was crazy again and I spoke the final message of the camp on I.G.N.I.T.E. you can check it out here.
  • We cleaned up and headed home.
  • About a block from the church the bus taking the students home ran out of gas! It was hilarious. We used the other bus and picked them up. What a way to end camp :-).
  • By 3:30 all the students were gone and the leaders talked until 5 about the experience and what to do next year.
It was unbelievable and this is only the beginning of what God is going to do. See you Sunday at 10 and 11:30 for worship and small groups. The 10 o'clock service will be open to Jr. High and Sr. High, so everybody be there!

How to sustain a life of devotion

In order to sustain a life of devotion you must I.G.N.T.E. the fire every day. In the old testament they worshiped on an alter. God told them to never let the fire on the alter go out. Every day they would have to stir the fire and add fuel to it. The same is true if we want to keep our fire of devotion going. Jesus was the final sacrifice and now we are the new alters. Our life is the alter and when we praise and worship it is a sacrifice in our life. Everyday we must I.G.N.T.E. everyday. We need to keep the fir lit everyday. Here is what it means to I.G.N.T.E.:

  • Invest Daily - Invest time daily in prayer, the word and worship. Everyday you need it. Pray through the Lord's prayer and get a bible reading plan or follow ours!
  • Need the gathering - You need the weekly gathering we call church. It refuels you and it's important to connect with others.
  • Groups - You need a reach team. A group of people who believe what you do, can hold you accountable and inspire you to grow.
  • Ingest what is pure - When you go to camp or have an incredible experience with God you are in an environment where there is only that which is good and pure around you. When you go back you can slide right back into the old environment and life style. You can eat music, TV, relationships, friendships, internet sites that are not pure and it will be like a fire extinguesher to your devotion. The wrong environment will cause your devotion to die.
  • Turn - So you've nailed the old life to the cross and you are picking up your new life? Well you need to do it everyday. Every day turn from the old and live the new. Everyday crucify the flesh and walk in the Spirit.
  • Endure - After you change there will come tests and temptations that try and drag you back. No matter which friends you lose, what you have to give up, what happens endure! If you will endure there is more for you on the other side.
Every day you have to I.G.N.T.E. the fire of devotion on the alter of your life. Make the choice, take the steps and your encounter with God will not be something that lasts for a short while it will last for a lifetime!

The Point of no return

Read Galatians 2:20; 2 Corinthians 5:17

When you go cliff jumping there is a point where the balance of your cliff foot shifts to the air foot and you fall to the water with a velocity that gives you a rush of adrenaline you have reached the point of no return. Once you pass the tipping point you cannot go back. When you encounter God you come to the edge of a cliff and you have to decide will I leave the old life behind on the cliff and jump into the new life that has begun in Christ or stay on the cliff with your old life?

There was a point of no return for Christ. The whole time that he was accused, beaten and nailed to the cross he could have called 12 legions of angels at any point to rescue him, but he didn't. His point of no return was when he uttered the words IT IS FINISHED. We have to go past the point of no return, take the old life, who we were before we encountered God, nail it to the cross and let it be finished.

When you jump into your new life, you crucify the past, the flesh and you begin a new life. It is finished in your life!

The Fire of devotion

The title of this message was let it in ya, consume ya, and let it outta ya. When you read John 18:15-27 you find a man named Peter who was so week and timid that he couldn't stand up for his savior to a slave girl. In Acts chapter 2 you see the same Peter a short time later standing up for Christ in front of the whole city and 3000 people were added to the church that day! What happened? He went from not being able to stand up to a slave to standing up to those who killed Jesus and could kill him.

Peter received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The fire of devotion came into him, it consumed his weaknesses and timidity and it flowed out of him in the form of boldness. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the difference between timidity and boldness. Matthew 3:11 says that Jesus came to baptize us with the Holy Spirit and with fire! The baptism of the Holy Spirit brings the fire of devotion, the passion, and hunger and the thirst.

  1. Let it in ya - You've got to let the fire of God into you. You can ask, "Jesus baptize me in the Holy Spirit and with fire." Let God fill you with His fire, passion and all He has.
  2. Let it consume ya - Don't hold anything back. Let God consume every part of you. Be willing to put every friendship, relationship, choice of media, weakness, desire on the alter for God to consume with his fire.
  3. Let it outta ya - After you've received the baptism of the Holy Spirit you have the boldness to stand up to anyone and tell people about what God has done! Tell somebody! Let it outta ya. Don't keep what God has done inside of you for only you to enjoy let it outta ya.
If you find yourself unable to stand up to others get prayer for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I didn't have time to teach all about the baptism at camp, nor in this post, but if you have questions comment or email me at twarren@trclife.com and I will answer them.

Road Blocks to Devotion

Read Mark 4:1-20 NLT

In the above scripture Jesus talks about the different soil conditions. There are four. The first tree lead to abandonment of the Word and a life in Christ and the fourth to a life of devotion that produces a harvest 30, 60 and 100 times more. They are stony ground where the birds eat it up (we know from Jesus' description that the birds are Satan stealing the word), shallow ground where you have no depth, so temptation and persecution kill the world and thorny ground, the cares of this world choke out. These are road blocks to devotion. Here are the three road blocks to devotion broken down: for those into grammar remember the target audience.
  1. The word don't go deep - This is stony ground. It's the person who comes to church, sits in the chair and hears the message, but doesn't LISTEN to it. Their heart is hard or stony and because of this the word cannot go deep enough to grow in their life. It sits on top of their heart where it's easy for Satan to take it away. This person needs to listen to the word at church and when they read it, let it sink deep into there heart.
  2. They don't go deep - This person is the shallow ground. On the surface they look like they have it all together. They know how to go through the motions at church, small group, camp, etc... You'd look at this person and think they were a strong devoted Christ follower, but they are only surface. They have no depth. They have a corporate devotion (at church devotion), but no private devotion. They read their bible once and awhile, pray once and awhile. This person is in danger when temptation or suffering or problems come because the little devotion they have will get scorched by the heat of life and burn away. This person needs to get a personal devotion life that will create depth. Reading the Word, praying, showing up every week for service and for special worship and prayer. This will give them depth!
  3. The weeds go deep - Finally the thorny ground. This is the most dangerous of them all. These types of people are devoted. The word goes deep and they go deep, but there are weeds in their life that go deep. There is a little bitty thing off to the side of their life that they let grow next to the devotion life. It could be the music they listen to, TV they watch, their friends, or boyfriend/girlfriend. There is something(s) in their life that is growing that will choke the word of God. Something that is growing that will distract them and cause them to take their eyes off of God and onto it. It will cause the one who was devoted to fall because it choked the word out of their life. The bible calls it the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, worries of this life and desire for other things. Pretty soon their desire for God (devotion) is choked out by the desire for music, TV, boyfriend, girlfriend, job, car, money and on and on and on. This person has got to let God examine their life and they must pluck out the little bitty thing(s) before they become weeds that take over their whole garden of devotion.
There are road blocks to devotion, but breaking through them and living devoted will bring you 30, 60 and 100 times more. More joy, life, anointing, salivations of those around you, healing, grace, faith and so much more. Live devoted!


Ignite Camp details

Here are the nitty gritty details for camp in case you didn't pick up a packet. This info is also at our information kiosk, so you can pick it up there as well...

The details:
• August 11th – Meet at The Rock Church for registration between 8am and 10am. We will be leaving for Camp Berachah at 11am. We will provide their transport to the camp.

• August 15th – Pick up is at 2:30pm at The Rock Church.

What to bring:
• Clothes for five days.
• Bible, Pen, Notebook
• Sack Lunch for bus trip down
• Sleeping Bag and pillow
• Toiletries – bring extra towel for water activities
• Girls - 1-piece Bathing suits please, those with two-pieces must wear a non-white t-shirt. Tankini’s are accepted.
• Guys – Shorts must fit securely. No short shorts please and especially no speedos.
• Snacks to share
• Water balloons (optional)
• Your favorite water gun (optional)

What not to bring:
• Cell Phones
• Video Games
• Any electronic Devices
• Drugs and Alcohol
• Weapons, Tobacco, Fireworks

Possession of any of these items will result in confiscation and possible removal from Ignite Camp.

Expectations for Ignite Camp

Ignite Camp is a time for us to grow closer to one another and God, so please understand that these expectations are here to help ensure that everyone has a safe and great time!

1. Everyone is expected to come with a good attitude and ready to have fun.

2. The leaders have volunteered their time to be with us. Listen to them and do what they ask.

3. Enjoy the diversity of your room assignment.

4. Alcohol, drugs, firearms, and tobacco products are strictly forbidden at any time, at any location.

5. No youth is allowed in the rooms of the opposite sex. Guys only in guys’ rooms; girls only in girl’s rooms.

6. At no time should there be any guys and girls alone together.

7. You must be in your room for lights out and not leave the room until morning (bathroom breaks okay).

8. No one will leave the retreat without permission from Ignite Camp staff.

9. Attend every session, including small groups.

10. Be at all meals unless otherwise notified.

11. Enjoy every minute, Laugh and make new friends!

Violation of any of these rules will result in either a verbal warning or a parent being called to pick up youth.

Where have all the blog posts gone...

I wrote the title singing the song where have all the cowboys gone! Typically I've been writing everyday on the subject of the week. This week it's on relating and dating and with camp I haven't been able to keep it up. I've been running around from 7:30am to 11pm the past couple days and nights, so I will resume the blog posts on relating and dating when I return! Can't wait for camp!!!