
The power of prayer pt 2

Remember 9/11/2001? I do. If you are 12 and older you probably remember exactly what you were doing when you heard and saw the news that terrorists had attacked our nation. I was sleeping and my mom ran in and told me that America was under attack. I ran out to images of burning buildings, planes flying into symbols of freedom and prosperity. I can never forget the images of the twin towers burning and ultimately collapsing killing thousands of people I didn't know, but I grieved for like I did. I can never forget the images of the pentagon burning, or the stories of heroism and tragedy.

I remember going to work that day, broken and unsure of what would happen in our nation. Tragedy had struck a mighty blow, but our nation would respond with characteristics that make this the greatest nation in all of history. We began to pray. I remember prayer meeting after prayer meeting as the church and those not of the body of Christ, began to call on God for healing, hope and wisdom for our leaders. We prayed for families we've never seen as they grieved with the tragedy of loved ones. Stories of Heroism by men and women who gave their lives at ground zero and in the air, flooded our eyes with tears and a passion to pray and continue on.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (New Living Translation)

14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land

We are facing a tragedy that requires no less of our time and no less of our prayers. This time no one will die and there will be no heroics. We probably wont shed a tear or be filled with passion and patriotism, but this is no less an important moment for the church to shine. This time instead of losing life, people could lose, houses, jobs, retirements and investments. Instead of going without fathers and mothers, children may have to go without food.

The tragedy we face is financial and it's time for the church to arise! 2 Chronicles is clear. If we, the church who are called, humble themselves and pray then God will restore our land. Our land needs restoration financially, morally and politically and it's time for us to humble ourselves and pray!

It would be so easy to bury our heads in the sand of entertainment, soccer practice, routine, work and everything else, but we need to look around and be aware of what's going on and do our part. The church has the key to changing this situation and it's through prayer.

From now until election day, go to prayer at 6am, noon, 6pm. If you cant make those times read this post for ideas on how you can participate in prayer.

It's time to arise and shine. It's time to pray. It's time to be an anchor of hope, love and faith for those without it. Our prayers are powerful and they will bring healing and restoration to our land.

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