
Halo 3

Last Tuesday at 10:30pm I walked into Wal-Mart to purchase my very own copy of this years hottest game. The last time they released a Halo game I was there. Needless to say I am a fan and thoroughly enjoy the first person shooter. As we walked to the electronics section we discovered that a store open 24 hours was forcing us to wait outside in the cold to buy the game. Quickly I found myself an $8 fleece blanket purchased it and waited outside. Come midnight they began to let us in, in groups of twenty. I saw several people attempt to sneak in line and were met with contempt as the gaming community or nerd herd looked out for it's fellowman by protecting those who waited. At around 12:30 I purchased my copy and left with fellow gamers Pastor Rory and Shaun my brother. I took the following day off to play the game with the brotherhood of Halo fans. While have barely played the game it has lived up to the hype and continues to be a great avenue for fun!


Ryan Brien said...

I <3 Halo

KyleDavis said...

Have yet to play one-on-one, but me and Robin played and beat the campain in about 8 hrs.
I found it to be way shortter than the others, still fun but short