
The Retreat recap and testimonies

This last weekend we shuttled 40+ people over to Cascade Community Church, jumped on a bus (I drove down, so I could be back for service) and rode down to Camp Berachah. Along with the youth of GRID 29:11 (The Rock Church's youth ministry) we had Cascade's youth, Monroe Community Chapel's youth and Crosswater Community Church's youth. There were upwards of 150 total people at the Camp. It was an unprecedented weekend where churches put down their denominational differences and rallied around one central similarity, their love for Jesus Christ.

It was incredible to see churches mixed with churches worshiping together, eating together and sleeping in the same cabins, laughing together. It was one of the funnest youth trips and weekends I've ever been a part of.

The high point of the whole weekend for me was the last night we were there. The speaker Jeff Geise felt like God was directing us to do a feet washing and communion service with an emphasis on mending broken friendships. I couldn't believe it when students from other churches were going up to other students and repenting for having offenses. Friendships that had been broken by differences and such were mended and I truly believe God was smiling upon the unity that was produced from this event.

That night for me personally was incredible too. I had student after student come wash my feet and thank me for the impact I had in their life. I was so humbled and so honored to be able to be a part of their life. We have some incredible students and to be able to pastor them is an incredible honor. I also had an opportunity to wash Pastor Jim from Cascade Community's feet and thank him for his friendship and camaraderie in youth ministry. I had the honor of watching Jim pastor young people and I was blown away at the caliber of pastor that he is. He is one of the greatest pastor's I've ever seen in operation. I knew he was awesome, but I didn't know he was out of this universe awesome!

While at The Retreat God reminded me that 10 years ago we started praying for unity between The Rock, Cascade, and MCC and that the answer to that prayer began at that retreat. God truly does answer prayers and I cannot wait for what else God has in store for this city.

This kind of event and unity does not happen, at all, around the U.S. I've maybe heard about something like this 1 or 2 times in my life. This is the beginning of what revivals are born out of and I am expecting God to do something supernatural as a result of our obedience. It was an inspiring weekend and I cannot wait for next years retreat!

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