
Wind of Change

The wind of change has been blowing recently in my life and I can't help but think of the Scorpions song, "wind of change." It always gets stuck in my head when I think of it and pretty soon I'm singing at the top of my lungs TAKE ME TO THE MAGIC OF THE MOMENT ON A GLORY NIGHT WHERE THE CHILDREN OF TOMORROW DREAM AWAY THE WIND OF CHANGE. Then I'm whistling the tune in the song and pretty soon I'm wearing acid wash jeans and rocking the mullet! ;-)

Seriously though a ton of stuff has been changing and I cannot help but be excited beyond expression. I've been working feverishly to make some changes in the youth ministry that will cause our impact to multiply overnight. In the spirit of all this change I also changed my hair style and changed my clock forward an hour (day light savings). A whole lot of change happening and I am stoked.

I'll be writing more about it soon!

1 comment:

KyleDavis said...

SWEET!!!! Rocking the mullet! That is AWESOME!!!!