
And the Superstar volunteer of the week goes to...

RANDA KNIGHT!!! This post was for the previous Sunday, but I didn't have internet access in the cabin I was at so it will go up now. I'm sure she was a superstar last week too, while her husband Adam preached.

Randa gets my vote for superstar volunteer of the week because of her willingness to do anything. The check-in volunteer for the week was sick and I was unable to find a replacement. Without being asked or knowing what was going on, Randa saw a need and began checking in. I asked her if someone told her that help was needed and she told me no, but that she saw a need, so she filled it.

That my friends is superstar volunteer material! Thank you so much Randa, you are an incredible and vital part of GRID 29:11.

Somebody give her some props!


Heidi said...


TeishaW said...

We have the most wonderful vollenteers at the church! Always there, always listen, always so nice! i hope to be one of them when i get old enough! Amazing work Randa!! <3

Tristan said...
