
Everybody stop, Twitter Time

I was talking with Pastor Jeff and some of the creative team about twitter yesterday and they let us know that you can text twitter and it will update it on your blog. I saw Pastor Jeff's Twitter on his blog and was inspired to begin. I had been thinking about it for a long time and there are many times I want to text, but don't know who to send it to, so now I have an answer! Not only that but the internet is awake 24/7, so I'll never be without a texting buddy again :-)! Check back for more Twitter updates.


DFunkWarren said...

You can always text me bro, i stand around all day and dont do nothing. Also i'm a textig buddy that will text back!

Travis said...

I know, but sometimes I need to text someone at 3am and I don't want to wake u. BTW you are my favorite person to text because our textversations are always incredible hilarious.

DFunkWarren said...

This is true, also if you did text me at 3am i wouldnt even know cause my phone cant wake me up. I'm such a heavy sleeper now that I sleep with someone in the same bed who is a crazy sleeper. she flails...a lot. anyways, yeah our "textversations" are pretty much amazing.