
Sunday Snap Shots 2

This last Sunday was an incredible day! Sorry this post hits the internet on Tuesday afternoon. I was unable to get to a computer before my 24 hour web sabbatical on Monday. In need to get a blackberry or iPhone, so I can blog anywhere anytime. Or maybe I should get one of these. But enough of my phone woes here are the snap shots from Sunday:

  • Daughtry's "what about now" done by our worship team set the stage for the message.
  • I heart Now: what are you going to do now? Now that you've been touched, your eyes are opened, God is asking what are you going to do now?
  • Tons of Students
  • Couple of Salvations and 1st time guests
  • Lunch with Tony Morgan was awesome, here's some notes from me and Pastor Jeff
  • Volunteers tore it up again!!! We have the most dedicated and incredible volunteers.
  • Leaders were connecting with students like crazy.
  • Students were in their seats 15 minutes before worship began because they were so excited to be there.
  • One student (Teisha) was gone and she was incredibly bummed out and wants to stop doing her Llama competitions so she wont miss another Sunday. Here's her blog.
  • Superstar volunteer of the week 1 and 2.
  • And the Superstar volunteer of the week goes to.... Check back Thursday for the answer.
What an incredible day! Cannot wait until next week when we finish our series on I Heart and give away the giant I and Heart to somebody.


TeishaW said...

It sounda like it was a wonderful sunday. and yes i have made the difficult decition to quit my llama showing so that i will not miss another sunday. it will be worth it! i know it will!

Flat Stanley Trip said...

I love that you are cheering people on! I find myself praising God for such amazing people and praying blessings for all of the people at the Rock!
Thanks for taking the time to encourage others!!!!