
Day 4 - Defeat death and receive eternal life

When the day comes that our natural bodies expire and we pass from this life to the next we will be faced with two paths based on our choices here on earth, life or death. Many people struggle with the assurance that when they die they will spend eternity it heaven. I've seen many people wrestle with their salvation because they've sinned or didn't pray or did something they shouldn't have and I want to offer some ways to know that you are saved and that you have eternal life.

First, when we sin it does not disqualify us from spending eternity in heaven. Even though we feel separated from God for the moment that doesn't mean we will be separated from God for eternity. When we sin we need to ask forgiveness and move on, not "get saved" again.

Through the Cross Jesus has defeated death and provided for us as a free gift, eternal life! All we have to do is believe that He is the Son of God and that God raised Him from the dead and confess with our mouths that He is Lord and we will be saved (Romans 10:9) or have eternal life. The next step is discipleship. Salvation is free, it costs you nothing.

Whether or not you have eternal life is based upon belief. Do you believe that Jesus is Lord? Do you believe He is the Son of God? Deuteronomy 30:19 says that God has put before us the choice; life or death... then it says choose life. Eternal life is your choice.

How to know you are saved and have eternal life:
  • Do you believe? Have you prayed to God, told Him that you need Jesus in your life and that you turn your life over to Him? If so then you are saved.
  • Do your actions believe? Are you beginning to look like Christ? This doesn't mean you are perfect, but you are day by day growing closer to God and dealing with weaknesses in your life through the Cross. This is what it means to become a disciple.
  • Do you feel God's presence in your life? The presence of God, The Holy Spirit, is our guarantee that we have been saved. If you feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life then you are saved and you have eternal life.
  • Ask God for the peace and the assurance that your eternal destiny is secure.
  • Stand upon the Word. Romans 10:9, John 5:24, 6:40, 47 all talk about believing and having eternal life. Believe and receive the free gift offered to you today!
If you believe, you are beginning to live like a disciple and you feel the presence of God, you have eternal life. It is a promise from God to you!

If you've never asked Jesus into your life pray this prayer and believe. Afterwards tell someone. The bible tells that if we confess Jesus before men and He will confess us before the Father. You can email, or send a comment, it won't be published or tell a friend that is a Christ follower.


Jesus I ask you to come into my life. Forgive me for rejecting you with the way I've lived my life. Forgive me of my sin. I believe in my heart and I confess with my mouth that you are Lord and that God raised you from the dead. I need you. I turn my life over to you today. Make me your disciple. In your name I pray. Amen!

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