
Monday - Who is The Holy Spirit?

This week we are going to read about, talk about then learn about next Sunday the topic of knowing the Holy Spirit. In order to do this we have to answer the question who is the Holy Spirit? Is he some mystic force that floats around giving us goose bumps when the music at church sounds good? No, the Holy Spirit is the third part of the trinity, God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), God the Holy Spirit. He is God! He is the Spirit of God. He is so much more!

The Holy Spirit is a person that presents himself as many different things, but know he is not a dove or a ghost or anything weird he is a person that comes in the form or other things. For instance Acts 1:8 tells us that He is power! When we have the Holy Spirit we have power.

Acts 2:3 tells us that He is fire! When we have the Holy Spirit we have a fire in us, that is passion. Also as a fire the Holy Spirit burns away sin and wickedness in our lives.

John 7:37-39 and Isaiah 44:3 tell us that He is living water. When we have the Holy Spirit we are refreshed and revived. He takes away weariness.

John 14:16, 26 and 15:26 tell us that He is the Comforter. The Holy Spirit brings us comfort and peace in the midst of any situation good or tragic.

John 16:13 tells us that He is the Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit is truth. He guides us to truth, showing us what is right and what is wrong. He brings truth to our lives, so that the deception we once believed an walked in must go.

The Holy Spirit is so important to our life in Christ. He presents himself in many more ways. We will continue to dive into it tomorrow. For today though pray:

"God reveal to me The Holy Spirit. Let me know Him for who He really is, not by my past thoughts or feelings about Him!"

1 comment:

Heather said...

Love it!! So many people (me included!) just really miss out on the power and help He makes available to us daily! We have everything we need to be successful in our lives - praise God!!