
FOLLOW ME.... on twitter that is.

Ever wonder what it's like to be a youth pastor? Or how about, what would Travis do (wwtd)? That sounds like a cool bracelet idea... I'll have to talk to my marketing agent ;-). Well now you can have the answer to those questions. Click on this link, create an account and follow me on twitter. To follow me click here.

DISCLAIMER - if you want to get a text every time I update you can but be forewarned... if you do not have unlimited texts the chances of you going over with me twittering is very high :-).


TeishaW said...

Ok, so EVERYBODY is making a huge commotion aboutyou twittering WAY to much. but you only twitter like 3 times a day!!! i twitter over 20 times a day! what can i say? I'M ADDICTED!!! haha, every is like "Teisha, yor going to get silenced!" i'm like "Your point?" lolz, i LOVE twitter, it ROCKS! have made 1,423 twitters, following 48, followers 31. You've got 89 stinkin' followers! holy cow!

Travis said...

You are addicted! It's awesome though! People don't say I twitter to much anymore :-).