
Hide and Seek

This morning I spoke to around 70 3 to 8 year olds about the topic, "Hide and Seek." I love speaking to kids and seeing them worship because the bible is clear. Out of the mouths of children is perfect praise and we must have child like faith to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is inspiring to watch kids love Jesus with everything!

In Psalm 119:11 the psalmist writes, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." I shared with the kids that we have to play hide and seek with our Bibles. We've got to take the scriptures we hear our teachers (or in your case pastors) talk about and hide them in our hearts. This is why reading the bible is so important. When we read we hide the scripture in our hearts.

When scripture is hidden in our heart then we will respond correctly to situations that arise in our lives. When we are sick scriptures that have been hidden can now be sought, found, believed and applied. During financial difficulties scriptures hidden can be found, believed and applied.

When was the last time you hid some scripture in your heart by reading the Word? I want to encourage you to get a daily reading plan and let the Word of God be a seed in your heart that protects you and brings you life!

Play Hide and Seek this week with the Word of God!

1 comment:

TeishaW said...

VBS was a BLAST! Great final day, but i sure am tired, Took a little nap in my recliner when i got home :-)
The kids loved you! Great job!