
Day 7 Bonus

What happened at the Cross? We've been discussing this and reading about this all week and I wanted to break it down for you. Below is a list of what Jesus did for you on the Cross.

What happens when I go to the Cross?

Jesus Takes He Gives Me

My sin His righteousness 2 cor 5:21
My foolishness His wisdom 1 Cor 1:24
My Weakness His strength Heb 11:34
My inadequacy His adequacy 2 Cor 3:5-6
My poverty His riches 2 cor 8:9
My defeat His victory 1 cor 15:57
My sickness His Healing 1 Peter 2:24
My anxiety His peace Phil 4:6-7
My limitations His potential Phil 4:13
My bondage His freedom John 8:36
My curse His blessing Gal 3:13-14
My mourning His joy Isaiah 61:3
My will His will Luke 22:42
My desire His desires Psalm 37:4
My emptiness His fullness Eph 3:19
My failure His success Ps 103:4
My rejection His acceptance Isaiah 53:3
My fear His power 2 Tim 1:7
My insecurity His confidence Eph 3:11-12
My guilt/shame His forgiveness Rom 9:33

If you've never gone to the Cross and made the trade, you need to!

Get on your knees and pray:

Jesus I come to you today at the foot of the Cross. I need you and desire you to be the Lord of my life. I trade everything I am, have done and desire to be for all that you have for me. I exchange all of me for all of you. Today the old me that is full of sin and wickedness dies and I am alive today in you as a new creation. Thank you for all you've done for me. Thank you for the Cross. I love you and need you! In your name I pray amen.

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