
Why do I need the Holy Spirit?

I'm saved. I've got Jesus that's all I need right? Well... no actually. The Holy Spirit is not just a gift He is a necessity. He is as much a part of God as the Son and the Father. In fact 1 Corinthians 12:3 says that no one can say Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit. This means that you cannot be saved with out the Holy Spirit drawing you to a place where you cry out for salvation. Without the Holy Spirit you would never have known that you needed salvation.

I like to explain it this way. The Holy Spirit leads us to Christ. He convicts our hearts of sin and shows us that we are in need of a savior. Once we have Christ He is the way to the Father. So the Spirit leads to the Son who leads us to the Father. God gave the Son so we could be with Him just as Christ gave the Spirit, so we could know Him. We need the Holy Spirit. Here are some other reasons we need the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:14-16 tells us that the Spirit leads us and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life gives us confirmation that we are children of God and therefore will spend eternity in heaven.

The Holy Spirit is our power according to Acts 1:8. He is the power for healing, salvation, boldness, overcoming, etc...

The Holy Spirit gives us the words to say in the midst of persecution and testing. When we witness to others as well the Holy Spirit gives us the words to say. Mark 13:11

He teaches us and reminds of the words that Jesus has spoken. He brings to remembrance the Word of God and teaches us to live righteously. John 14:26.

He fills our hearts with love! Romans 5:5. We are commanded to love God with everything and love our neighbors as ourselves. This is impossible apart from the Holy Spirit. He gives us this love to fulfill the Word.

Through the Holy Spirit we have confident hope. Confident hope that God will take care of us, love us, spend eternity with us. Romans 15:13

We have new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. Titus 3:5.
Helps in our weakness by praying for us – Romans 8:26-27
He is our freedom – 2 Corinthians 3:17 – where the Holy Spirit is there is freedom!
He transforms us into the image of Christ – 2 Corinthians 3:18

These are only some of the reasons we need the Holy Spirit. There are so many more that one blog or one lifetime of study couldn't bring them all out. The point is we need the Holy Spirit in our lives!

Here are more reasons we need him from a post on who He is.

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