
The Word as a light

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." John 1:5 Have you ever been in the dark, been afraid, you turn on the light and the darkness and fear leave? I know I have. In fact I have never turned on the light, had it shine brightly and then all of the sudden while it's still shining the darkness wins and it's dark again. It is impossible, light always wins over darkness.

I've also thought I saw shadows, or monsters when your a kid, I turned on the light and the evil had to flee. This is what God's Word does for our life. His word shines a light in our heart and begins to expose sin and other things that should not be there. When we spend time in the Word these things are revealed and through the Word we overcome.

Psalm says that the Word gives us insight for living, it shows us how to live our life. It shows us what is right and wrong, good and evil. It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path guiding us on our journey of faith towards God.

This is one reason it's so important to read the Word. It will show you the darkness in your life and give you the power to overcome. The Word is a light for you guiding you, protecting you, and empowering you in this life. Read your Bible everyday and let it be a light for you!

Prayer: Let your Word guide me and expose anything in me that is not of you.

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