
Day 6 - Victory over the Devil

Sometimes we struggle with the same sin over and over and over. Maybe it’s lust, maybe it’s gossip, maybe it’s addiction, it could be anything. The point is when we struggle time and time again, even though we try to overcome and yet we fail it can leave us feeling defeated. It can leave us with questions about why we can't overcome and after defeat after defeat we may give up all together. Have you ever asked why do I struggle with the same thing over and over?

The reason people fall prey to the same sin and weakness time and time again, is the Devil has a stronghold in their life. At one point they opened the door of their heart to him and since then he has had a grip of an area of their life. 1 Peter 5:8 says that the Devil searches like a roaring lion for people he can devour. As long as we let him we will continually be devoured by sin. He will continue to devour our joy, peace, love, future, destiny, finances and life.

It is through the Cross that we get victory over the Devil in every area of our life. The Cross will free us from the grip the enemy has over our minds, hearts and lives. Revelation 12:11 says that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb... Matthew 28:18 tells us that Jesus has all authority and power and when we go to the Cross and turn our lives over to Him he gives us that power and authority.

Romans 6:6 says that when we choose Jesus we are crucified with him (our sinful nature that is) and no longer are we a slave to sin. No longer does the enemy have a foothold in our lives. You don't have to fall time and time again. Below are some ways to get victory over the devil!
  • Pray! Go to Jesus and ask him to crucify your sinful nature, so you are no longer a slave to sin, doing whatever it desires not what you desire.
  • Stand on the Word! Read these scriptures and the reading plan scriptures here. Speak them over your life and believe them.
  • Ask God to renew your mind. Often the enemy has a hold of your mind and that is where the mistakes begin. Read Romans 12:1 and 2 and pray this for your life.
  • Confess your sins to one another and you will be healed (James 5:16). Find someone who can hold you accountable, pray for you and challenge you to overcome your sin. Don't pick someone who also is going through this, but someone who has overcome.
You can have victory over the devil in every area of your life because of the Cross! Don't go another day without walking in it.

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