
Hunger and Thirst

All throughout scripture God promises to fill, satisfy and feed those that are hungry and thirsty. Spending time in prayer and the Word is about getting to know God and getting filled with His presence, therefore we need to be hungry and thirsty for the Word, prayer, and his presence.

Psalm 42:2 says my soul thirsts for God. When can I get into his presence? This is the place we need to get to. When we are so hungry and thirsty that we cannot wait to get in the Word or get in prayer or get into God's presence we will be filled!

When someone is recovering from an eating disorder where they don't eat food they have to force themselves to eat because they have lost the ability to be hungry. After forcing themselves to eat for a while their body begins to crave food again and the hunger returns.

This same principle applies to our spiritual lives. We've gone so long without a regular diet of prayer and the Word we no longer crave it, we've lost our hunger. If we will force ourselves to read the Word and pray eventually we will crave it, our hunger will return and we wont find it so hard to seek after God!

You need a hunger and thirst for the living God. Make yourself read and pray and watch a hunger for the living God grow in your life!

Prayer: Father place a hunger and a thirst for your Word and prayer inside of me.

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