
Media’s view of Christianity

Read: Matthew 5:43-48, 19:19, Matthew 22:37-38, Galatians 5:14

We've spent a lot of time talking about what our view, attitude and heart should be about media, now it's time to talk for a moment about the media's (world's) view of Christianity. I believe there are three main vies out there and they are: We are hypocrites, we are extremists, we are bigots. I want to break down why they think this and how we can show what true Christianity is.

Hypocrites - With Christian leaders falling because of sin the media has begun to view all Christians as hypocrites. There have sadly been instances where one Sunday a preacher is preaching about homosexuality and the next Sunday he's confessing that he's been engaged in a homosexual life. This paints a picture that we say one thing and do another thus earning the label hypocrite for all.

It also doesn't help that there are a lot of people out there claiming to be a Christian, but they cannot back up their words with their actions. It's extremely sad. Most people want to do good they need permission to repent and help.

What to do: Live it. If you say it do. Don't walk in Sunday and pretend to be holy when you were out Friday living like hell. Come in Sunday and confess your sin and get help. Don't be a faker, be real. When we live it people will want it. When asked about leaders falling and such let people know that there are millions of others who live what they say.

Extremists - In our nation we celebrate the right to freedom of religion. Unfortunately there are some crazy people out there who claim to be Christians, but are pushing another agenda. I've read articles about people who picket hospitals with soldiers, go to funerals for soldiers, preach messages against our country and more. These people are extremists and they are certainly not Christians, but have painted a warped view of Christianity. They are acting outside the Word of God and have no authority from God to do what they are doing.

What to do: When asked reply these people may say they are Christians, but they are not. Just like being in a garage doesn't make you a car, these people are not Christians. Their actions are wrong and are not found anywhere in the bible.

Bigots - Recently I was in down town Seattle with my wife for our anniversary and we stumbled upon a man holding a sign that said turn or burn or something like that. He was arguing with a man who was a homosexual (it was obvious by their conversation this was the case). They were basically yelling at each other about the bible. What the man with the sign had to say was true. If you do not have Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior you will not inherit eternal life, but where is the love? The bible says mercy triumphs over judgment. Christians get labeled many things, but true Christianity is one without bigotry, without hate. It is on of love, not acceptance for what you do, but love for who you are. It's not about cramming a message down someones hope, but rather showing them love and hope that they too can be made well. We had a message awhile back about this and I wrote a post addressing this here.

What to do:
Love. Not accept. We do not approve of or accept behavior that is sin, but we certainly love them. We look past any labels anyone might put on them and love them. Pray for them and let others know when they think that Christians are bigots that we love every person no matter what they've done.

The media will continue to paint pictures of Christianity as many things. It's important for you to recognize that Christianity is about love, hope, forgiveness and healing. Not judgment, hatred, bigotry or anything else. Jesus is the hope every person needs! Don't let outside sources come in and cloud your view of what it means to be a Christian.

Prayer: Don’t let me give into the medias view of Christianity.

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