
Your role in the family part 2

Read: Acts 2:42-47; Romans 1:8-13; 1 Thessalonians 5:25; Romans 12:9-13.

As I mentioned last post each of us has a role to play. Here are more areas each of us need to contribute to the family of God. Sharing our time, talent and treasure and prayer.

Time - Each of us has time. We use that time to work or go to school. We use that time for TV, the Internet, to hang out with friends. We use our time to do many things. One area we need to share our time is with church family. We need to spend time volunteering, discipling, helping, and hanging with church family. It is important to give your time to your church family.

Talent - God has given each of us a talent for one purpose. To contribute it to the church family. You have talents that you can share with the church family. When each person shares their talent the church family grows in health and number. What are your talents? Share them with the church family and watch God grow the church family and your life.

Treasure - Finances, money! We each have it in different measures. Some have tons, some have little. Each of us should share with the church family out of the measure they have. It is so important to give your finances to God and to His family because it shows that your heart is for him and his family. The tithe, offerings and blessing others are ways to share your treasure with the family of Christ. Give and it will be given to you even more. Share your treasure and God will bless you with more.

Prayer - Pray! Pray for your church family, pray for your pastors and leaders. Pray for others! This keeps you focused on the needs of others and not yourself. Remember there is no room for selfishness in this family, only those willing to serve. Prayer eliminates arguments and grudges. Pray for everyone, people you like and don't like, friends and enemies. Pray for your church family!

Each of us has a part to play. It's time for you to begin playing yours. Share your time, talent and treasure and pray! Don't wait, start now.

Prayer: Father I am going to share my time, talent, and treasure with my church family and I will pray. Use me to grow the family of Christ.

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