

Read: Matthew 22:1-13, 25:14-30

How will they know unless they are told? This is the question I ask you about your friends and family. How will they know unless they are told? Think about when it clicked for you and you realized you had a need for Christ. Where were you? Most people were at church when this happened. They didn't know there was an answer to the hole in their life until they were told and usually that happens at church. Your friends and family need to be at church.

How will they come unless they're asked? Often we pray and pray and pray for our friends and our families to come to the knowledge of Christ and yet we do little to get them to come. I know I have. I've thought if I pray for my friends they will get saved, yet I never invite them to the place where I got saved. There are opportunities all around us to invite some one to come. It's up to us to take the step and invite them.

There are many more people than you think that would come to church with you if you asked. You need to pray for them, but more importantly you need to ask them to come. I forget the exact statistic, but it's something like 85% of all people who come to church do so because they were personally invited. It's time for you to invite. If you are going to double and disciple then you need to invite.

Who is someone you could invite this week? Give them a call, text or face to face and invite. You will be surprised at how many people come because you invite. It's time to invite.

Prayer: God give me the courage and boldness to invite someone this week. Go before me and place a desire in them ahead of time, so when I invite they are willing in Jesus name!

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