
The One

Read: Genesis 2:21-24; Proverbs 18:22, 19:14; Matthew 7:7-8; John 16:24

God has someone for you. Someone special for you. Someone perfect for you and you have a choice. Will I wait for God to bring me the one or will I go out and try and find them? Many people would tell you that you need to date around, test drive a bunch of cars before you know which one you will want. I disagree with this view point and so does the word. God brought Eve to Adam and Rebekah to Isaac. If you will trust God he will bring you the one you will spend your life with. If you choose to wait, and you should, there are some things you need to do to prepare yourself.

Make a list - Seek God and ask him what you need in a mate. Write it down. Hint: being a person full of faith should be number 1. Make a list of what you desire in a future mate and do not settle for anything less. If someone meets half of the list, not good enough. 3/4 not good enough. God will give you the perfect person for you. He will give you what you desire.

Pray - Pray for the person you will be with. Pray that God will keep them and prepare them for you. Pray that God will prepare you for the person. Pray for their destiny and for their life in God. Pray for your future spouse. It will keep you focused on what God has for you and keep you from trying to find someone yourself.

Wait and Serve - God is big enough to bring you the perfect one when you are ready and to keep them for you. You don't have to go out and find them. In fact you shouldn't. If you will stay in the house of God and serve the house of God, he will bring you the perfect one. Adam was fulfilling his purpose when God brought him Eve. Isaac was in the field, this symbolizes serving and God brought him Rebekah. Trust God, wait and serve and God will bring you the perfect one. It happened for me, Adam, and Isaac and it will happen for you.

God has a perfect one for you. Wait for it, it will be worth it! I waited for my wife. I didn't fool around with dating in high school, but served God and he brought me Gia. She is perfect for me and I could not be happier. She was more than worth the wait. In fact at times I cannot believe that I'm married to her. She is my gift from God. You don't know what you want when you are 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, so you really shouldn't be dating. You can however ask God to place a right desire in your life, show you what you need and make a list and pray. Then wait and serve and God will bring you the one for your life!

Prayer: God please bless the person I am supposed to be with. Keep them for me and bring them into my life when the time is right. Prepare me to be the perfect mate for them. Help me to stay focused and wait.

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