
The Purpose of the Family

Read: Ephesians 3:15-20; 1 Corinthians 12:18-27

What is the purpose of the family of Christ? It is to be the representation of God in your life. The church family is there to encourage you, direct you and correct you. The family is called to be the voice of God, the representation of God in your life and should show you the love of God.

1 Corinthians 12 talks about the body and how each part is important. The same is true about the family. Each member of the family is important. Spiritual fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters are needed in our life. Here is a breakdown of the purpose of the family of Christ.

Encouragement - Nothing gets me fired up to continue in God's purpose for my life like encouragement and it is from Spiritual fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. Encouragement is fuel for your fire when life stinks. You need it in your life. That is why you should surround your self with church family. People who are not a part of the family of Christ cannot encourage you like those who are a part. Surround yourself with these people!

Direction - I've heard of many people who went to others who did not know Christ for direction in their life and it ends in disaster. The church family has the things of God in mind and can often see God working in your life when you cannot. You need a pastor, father, mother in your life to give you direction. They can help you with life's difficult decisions. I don't know where I would be without the direction of my pastor... lost for sure! Direction will keep you on the right path, heading towards your destiny!

Correction - Most people want encouragement and direction, but think when they are corrected people have gone to far. It's because of correction some people leave the church. They think, "what right do they have to say that to me?" Well when you are a part of a family there are times where correction is needed. In fact I have grown more from correction than from direction or encouragement. Correction is not a mean thing but rather a sign of love. In fact Hebrews 12:6 says that God disciplines the ones He loves. Correction/discipline is a sign of love. You need people in your life who will correct you and who you can receive correction from.

The Church family is so important to your growth spiritually. You need it in your life. Encouragement, Direction and Correction!

Prayer: Father help me to yield to the purpose of the family of Christ in my life. Help me to surround myself with people who will encourage, direct and correct me. I open myself up to receive encouragement, direction and correction. I'm not going to go about it alone.

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