

Read: Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-48; John 15:16; Colossians 1:6, 23.

Now that we have received Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit and are a part of the church family it's time to go. Too often people get transformed and they do nothing with that transformation. I've heard this analogy many times and I'd like to share it with you.

In the middle east there are two seas that are not far from one another. One sea is teaming with life and the other is completely dead. In fact it is incapable of supporting or sustaining life. They are the Red Sea, full of life, and the Dead Sea, well it's name says it all. The only difference that can be found between the two is this; one goes and the other stays. Both seas have rivers pouring into them, but only the Red Sea "go's" or has a river coming out of it. You see it is because the Dead Sea keeps all that is poured into it that it is dead. There must be pouring in and pouring out.

The same is true in our lives. God has poured his transformation and life into you and now you must go and take it to others. If we stay, what has been poured into us will eventually die. Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and tell others. This means getting out of the four walls of the church and telling others about what God has done.

We don't have time to stay, we have got to go. We need to pour out what is being poured in. As we pour out and go, God pours new and fresh anointing into our lives. It's time to go!

Prayer: God I will go. I will not be afraid. I will pour out and believe that you will pour in to my life!

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