
The Point of no return

Read Galatians 2:20; 2 Corinthians 5:17

When you go cliff jumping there is a point where the balance of your cliff foot shifts to the air foot and you fall to the water with a velocity that gives you a rush of adrenaline you have reached the point of no return. Once you pass the tipping point you cannot go back. When you encounter God you come to the edge of a cliff and you have to decide will I leave the old life behind on the cliff and jump into the new life that has begun in Christ or stay on the cliff with your old life?

There was a point of no return for Christ. The whole time that he was accused, beaten and nailed to the cross he could have called 12 legions of angels at any point to rescue him, but he didn't. His point of no return was when he uttered the words IT IS FINISHED. We have to go past the point of no return, take the old life, who we were before we encountered God, nail it to the cross and let it be finished.

When you jump into your new life, you crucify the past, the flesh and you begin a new life. It is finished in your life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.