
How to sustain a life of devotion

In order to sustain a life of devotion you must I.G.N.T.E. the fire every day. In the old testament they worshiped on an alter. God told them to never let the fire on the alter go out. Every day they would have to stir the fire and add fuel to it. The same is true if we want to keep our fire of devotion going. Jesus was the final sacrifice and now we are the new alters. Our life is the alter and when we praise and worship it is a sacrifice in our life. Everyday we must I.G.N.T.E. everyday. We need to keep the fir lit everyday. Here is what it means to I.G.N.T.E.:

  • Invest Daily - Invest time daily in prayer, the word and worship. Everyday you need it. Pray through the Lord's prayer and get a bible reading plan or follow ours!
  • Need the gathering - You need the weekly gathering we call church. It refuels you and it's important to connect with others.
  • Groups - You need a reach team. A group of people who believe what you do, can hold you accountable and inspire you to grow.
  • Ingest what is pure - When you go to camp or have an incredible experience with God you are in an environment where there is only that which is good and pure around you. When you go back you can slide right back into the old environment and life style. You can eat music, TV, relationships, friendships, internet sites that are not pure and it will be like a fire extinguesher to your devotion. The wrong environment will cause your devotion to die.
  • Turn - So you've nailed the old life to the cross and you are picking up your new life? Well you need to do it everyday. Every day turn from the old and live the new. Everyday crucify the flesh and walk in the Spirit.
  • Endure - After you change there will come tests and temptations that try and drag you back. No matter which friends you lose, what you have to give up, what happens endure! If you will endure there is more for you on the other side.
Every day you have to I.G.N.T.E. the fire of devotion on the alter of your life. Make the choice, take the steps and your encounter with God will not be something that lasts for a short while it will last for a lifetime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I look forward to each day, so i can be challenged to be devoted all the way to God. And it sure is a incredible feeling to be completely devoted to God, i don't know how anybody could live without it.