
Your role in the family part 1

Read: Galatians 6:10; Matthew 20:25-28; Proverbs 17:17; John 13:35.

The moment we choose Christ we become part of a church family. There are huge benefits of being a part of the family. Leadership, guidance, destiny, identity, DNA and much more. The joy of having a spiritual father and mother, brothers and sister and on and on. Each person has a part to play and role. Here are a few roles that each must fulfill: Do good, serve, love and friendship.

Do good - In everything you do, with every word do good, especially to those who are in the family of Christ. Many families are built around selfishness. The attitude of what can you do for me is the attitude of most people. In the family of God our attitude needs to be what can I do for you? In every possible way we should do good for and to each other and not harm. Every time you have an opportunity, do good!

Serve - Jesus addressed this one. He told us that it's natural to lord over people. If we are older or have achieved more we feel we have earned the right to be served and honored by people "under" us. It's natural to flaunt our authority, yet Jesus commands us to serve. Instead of fighting over who's in charge and who should be listened to, we should serve one another, listen to each other and submit to one another. This means treating our younger siblings and those "under" us with respect and serving them. It's crazy, I know, but in this family we serve each other.

Love - The church family is built on the foundation of love. Love endures, it keeps no record of wrong and it covers sin. In this family we are quick to forgive and love all even if we don't like them. There is no room for grudges, gossip and hate, but love and forgiveness. It is your duty to love others and help them. Read 1 Corinthians 13 for a greater understanding of the love we should have for each other.

Friendship - As a part of the family of God we have a role of friendship to play. We have a duty to be friends to others in the family. Friends are loyal and trustworthy. Friends help us through difficult times. You need to make friends and be friends with people in the family of God. My best friends are those who are in God's family. They encourage me and help me through things and I return the favor.

Each of us has a role to play in the family and this is only the beginning. If each of us will play our part the family of Christ will be irresistible to those who are outside. People will know that Jesus is who He said He is when we each play our part in the family.

Prayer: Father please help me understand my role in the family and help me to fulfill it!

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