
Temptation is knocking

Read: Matthew 6:13, 26:41; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Ephesians 6:12-13; 1 Peter 5:8-9;

Everyday you will be faced with temptation. What do you do when temptation is knocking at your door? What do you do when temptation is calling your name? Everyday you are going to have opportunities to fall prey to temptation. What is temptation? Temptation is the desire and opportunity to sin, to fall back into that which you've been free from. You have the choice everyday to turn your back on temptation or to open the door and let it in. So what do you do when temptation knocks on your door?

Well... you get the hammer, wood and nails and you board up the door it's knocking on. Actually just burn down the door it's knocking on. In other words, don't entertain temptation for even a second. The second you go to the door the harder it is to walk away. If you open the door to see whose knocking the chances you will open the door and fall to temptation are extremely high. The Word of God is your greatest tool in overcoming temptation. Here are some ways to overcome.

Go on the offensive - Matthew 6:13 is a prayer for God not to lead you into temptation. If you know you are tempted by something, don't wait for it to come to you. Get rid of it. Go on the offensive and get it out of your life. It's not worth falling time and time again. Be strong and courageous and get rid of it. We are in a spiritual battle, so fight. When Jesus was tempted he used the word of God to overcome temptation. Do the same and you will have victory over that which tempts you.

Don't buy into the lie - The enemy will lie to you and tell you that nobody else struggles with what you struggle with. There is no one to help you and you are the worst person to ever walk the planet. There is a lie that you will never be able to overcome. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that the temptations we face are no different than what others face and God is faithful, he will not allow us to be tempted more than we can stand. Don't believe the lie. Believe the truth... the Word of God!

Accountability - Get someone in your life who can lead you and hold you accountable. This will help you overcome. They can pray for you, encourage you, correct you, show you how to overcome. You need a leader, not a friend, that can hold you accountable in your life. This is so important to overcome temptation. When it knocks on your door they can hold you back from opening it and falling on your face again. Get some accountability in your life.

Temptation is knocking on the door of your life, but you don't have to answer it. Use the word, stand upon the truth and get some accountability and you will have victory over that thing that has held you back for so long. The victory is yours for the taking! When Temptation knocks... knock it out with the Word of God!

Prayer: Lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil. God I will read the word and speak it in the midst of temptation. Help me to be accountable to someone who can lead me out of my sin and into your righteousness.

For more on temptation I posted more on a blog here.

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