
Make disciples - "double and disciple"

Read: Matthew 28:19, 9:37; John 8:31, 13:35; 15:8.

This year you have a goal, well an opportunity to make a goal and accomplish it. You ready for it? Well here it is: I will double and disciple this year! Sound good? Great, now go do it.... What? You want to know what that means? Well, okay then.

This year make it your aim to bring one person to Christ. Just one. Yes pray for your school, work place, family, community to come to Christ, but set your sights on one person. Choose that person right.... Now! Got them in mind? Now write their name down and begin to pray for them everyday. Look for opportunities to invite them to church and to lead them to Christ. This doesn't mean you don't invite others, but this one person is your goal for this year.

How many people did you lead to Christ last year? How many people were you trying to reach? Many of us would answer zero to the first question and thousands to the next. You see the problem is that our efforts are scattered. Jesus said Go into all the world, preach and make disciples, we make disciples one at a time. If each of us would set our sights on one person we would see that person come to Christ. Focus on one person and when they come to Christ your job is half done. Then it's time for the real fun.

After your one has come to Christ you have doubled. One (you) plus one (your friend) equals two, you've just doubled. Now it's time to disciple. Many people run from this because they feel totally unequipped to disciple. They don't know all the scriptures on giving, baptism, healing, why you should read the bible. They don't have a degree in theology, or a fancy business card that says Youth Pastor. Because of this they feel unqualified to disciple, but it is not man or knowledge that qualifies you it is God and because you have faith you are qualified. So how do you disciple? Here is how it's done:

Discipleship is taking someone from where they are to where you are. 1 Corinthians 11:1 says, "follow me as I follow Christ." That is what discipleship is. The person you lead to Christ is going to need to know about baptism. Tell them what you did, how it transformed you and what you know about it. They are going to sin, show them how to repent. Show them how YOU pray. Read the bible with them, Show them how to worship. Talk to them about giving and what it's done for you.

Discipleship is showing others what God has done for you and helping them through all the experiences that you were helped through. It's not as hard as we make it. You are qualified, just be you, use your experiences and what God has shown you and you will make a disciple. Don't worry if something comes up you are not equipped to handle, call the person who discipled you and they will help.

This year double and disciple. Once you've done this, you and the one you discipled should double and disciple again. You are equipped to double and disciple. Begin praying today and watch how God will use you!

Prayer: God help me to double and disciple this year. I pray that you would work on _______'s heart and that I would have opportunities to invite them and lead them to Christ. Help me to disciple them and not be afraid. I am equipped!

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